Monday, December 27, 2010

January Field Trip

The field trip for January will be on the 8th (10am) at the Lowe's on Happy Valley and 25th Ave. 623-445-9840
This is a free clinic event that Lowe's does every month. They only take 50 kids, so please RSVP as soon as possible (no later than Dec.31st) so I can give them our final count.
They will be making a game box and it should be really fun!
To RSVP, please just email me or call my cell phone (602) 751-6812. I cannot guarantee spots for siblings due to our large number of girls in the troop. If you plan on bringing a sibling, let me know and I will try to secure them a spot as well. I have a reservation for 18 right now.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Hope to see everyone at the meeting on January 5th at 6pm!
If we can have only parents, that would be great since the conference room is small :)
January 5th - Parent meeting 6-6:30pm at Shannon Fisher's office conference room located at 34975 N Northvalley Parkway #152 | Phoenix AZ | 85086 to hand out Permission Slips, Cookie Order Forms, and answer questions parents may have.
Please note: Cookie Order Forms will not be handed out until Permission Slips have been signed for each girl
January 15th - Cookie Sales officially begin
March 23rd - End of Cookie Sales

Have Fun!
12 boxes = Cookie Badge (This will be the goal we set for each girl so they can get a badge, but at the Jan. 12th meeting we will talk more about what happens if they sell more boxes. Also, we would make about $108.00 if we met our goal, so the girls can plan a fun activity to do with that money.

Ideas for Selling:
"Red Wagon Weekends" where we'll go as a troop around the neighborhood to sell cookies together
Date is To Be Determined
"Cookie Club" is an is an online tool that parents and girls can use to take and track orders (Not mandatory and parent participation is required to gain access to the website)

No personal checks allowed so we can avoid the hassle of tracking down anyone that writes a bad check (The only exception to this rule is we will allow checks from the parents of our girl scouts.)
Money should not be collected until cookies are delivered
Girl Scout funds should not be "mingled" with parent's personal accounts
No door to door sales for the girls alone and no booth selling for Daisies.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The girls at the Nutcracker...lots of fun once we made it there! :)
Sorry that was such an adventure! Haha!
I will have confirmation on the January field trip soon!
Enjoy the time with your families over Winter Break!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

January 12th

The next Daisy meeting is not until January 12th! I will be sending out information on the cookie sale meeting soon. We are planning on January 5th around 6pm so we can have a 30 minute quick informational meeting about the cookie regulations and time lines.
Also, the girls will be able to set goals on the 12th and decide where they want their reward trip to be if they make their goal!
More details many fun things to come in 2011!
Thank you!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cookie Sales!

The cookie sale will start Jan. 15th. Look for an email soon about the parent meeting that will take place before the 15th. All girls that will be selling cookies must turn in a permission slip before they can take any orders.
Our goal for each girl will be 12 boxes so they can earn the cookie patch. More details at the meeting.
Alyssa Boothe (Kalyn's mom) will be our cookie mom. She has offered to keep track of the sales, pick up cookie boxes when we order them and be a support to the leaders and parents for this fun event!
Thank you Alyssa for the help! :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dec. 15th and 17th Reminders

Dec. 15th we will be paiting a trash can in Ms. Moore's room. Send clothing that house paint can get on :) It will not wash out!
Two petals will be given this day.

Dec. 17th we will meet the girls at the flag pole if they are riding with Tisha or I and then head to Peter Piper pizza.
If you are driving your girl, please meet us at Peter Piper off Carefree Hwy.
right after school gets out.
After the play, the girls that ride with us will be returned to the school's Pirate's Cove unless otherwise noted.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The whole troop

All the girls of Troop 1460! They are so smart, very cute, and a bit silly :)
Thank you to Gally's mom for the rice crispy daisy treat!