Thursday, January 31, 2013

World Thinking Day!

World Thinking Day is coming up and on February 27th, we would like to celebrate in our meeting by having girls bring in something to tell about where their ancestors are from or a fun food to share.
Please see evite for details and note in comments if you can send or bring something that day. :)

Do not forget the Dance on Feb. 8th or World Thinking Day on the 9th. I will be bringing the girls' swaps to the event.

This year is coming to a fast ending! We will be talking soon about the Sea World Trip! :)
Look for evite to meet with just the parents to discuss those details after cookie sales are over. (Late March) We need to see how many cookies we sell before we can say how much money we will have.

So much fun coming up!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pajama Jam!

The girls did a great job getting ready for cookies sales! Thank you to everyone who helped was a wonderful meeting. :)
If you have not gotten your sales sheet, please contact Alyssa to make arrangements to get that taken care of.
The girls wanted to save money for a big trip..Sea World! There are a few pricing options and we will talk about that soon.

Thank you again to everyone...we have an amazing troop!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Too fast!

Time is really going too fast. I cannot believe our girls will be Juniors next year!!
Look how much they have grown! We had a great day today...they answered what their favorite cookie is and what that says about them, played BINGO about cookie selling safety, answered questions about what they care about and told what a couple good things were that happened this week. :) Such sweet girls. I am excited for cookie sales and to have the girls make swaps next time as well as getting started on their books so they can be published! Go troop 1460!
*Please see email with dates and deadlines. RSVP to the evites...thank you!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cookie Booths!

Alyssa will be getting you all the cookie sales information, but the first booth will be Feb. 16th from 4pm to 8pm at Safeway located at 3655 W Anthem Way, Anthem, AZ 85086.
Look for the evite to pick a time. No more than 4-5 girls at a time please.

There will be a sign up for times soon. I will be out of town that day, but Alyssa will be there to set it up. Thank you Alyssa!

Next booth will not be chosen until 1/12. We hope for Safeway at 39th and Happy Valley on 2/22.

We will let you know soon!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome back!

Winter break is over and it is back to Girl Scout and school fun! Cookie sales start this Sat. January 12th! To kick off the sales, we are having our own cookie jam! Evite will be sent tomorrow with details. The council cookie jam was already full. We will be handing out forms to sign to get your girl ready for cookie sales at this party.
With our large troop size, we need to RSVP and pay by the deadline given or your girl will not be registered for any activities going forward. It is a lot of work to keep track of 17 families and if they have paid or not. If you will not be seeing me by the deadline, please mail a check made out to Troop 1460. If you do not have my address, I can email it to you. You can also just direct deposit to Wells Fargo if that is easier as well. Thank you for your understanding!

The He/She dance money is due January 9th. It is $5 per person. Please do not send cash. :) Send a check in a marked envelope so there is no confusion on who has paid. If you do not pay by this date, your girl will not be registered for the dance. (If there is a reason you need to wait to pay or cannot pay, please talk with me privately to arrange this and we will work it out.) Should be lots of fun!

Last, thank you to Alyssa for taking on being our cookie mom once again. She has our first booth set for Feb. 16th. Next date is TBD after we see what is available on 1/12. I really appreciate that she is able to be our Cookie Mom!!