Saturday, May 4, 2013

Junior Updates

Here is a link to see the new Junior vest or sash. We will take a vote on which the girls prefer.

I estimate the new uniform to cost about $40 per girl.
We will still be asking for $3 per meeting (About $54-$57) for supplies and $20 per meeting for the room fee will be covered by the troop this year.

Thank you to everyone who has RSVP'd for the bridging ceremony and Sea World trip. I am excited for both!

We are losing two of our Girl Scouts that are moving on to new things and activities. I am happy for both of them and hope they know they will always be a part of Troop 1460!

The last meeting of the year is May 15th...please RSVP if you are joining us so we have plenty of food and drinks.

Hope to see you all soon!