Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hello everyone!
The girls made cork boards today. We went over being responsible for what you say and do. We will give the girls their orange petal next meeting (November 3rd) We ran out of time today! The girls had lots to share and we discussed never going with a stranger, 9-1-1 and having a fire plan. These girls are too funny and smart. A few girls did say they would go with someone if they were looking for their lost puppy (my girl included), so you may want to have more discussions at home about never going with anyone you do not know. :)
November 3rd is the day to turn in your bowling money. It is $10.39 for each person bowling. We have to pay as a group to get the discount. Please send a check made out to Troop 1460. The $10.39 includes 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, a drink, and a hotdog or popcorn. This should be really fun! I got the girls little bowling trophies ('s a surprise!)
Let us know if you have any questions.... see the girls next Wed.!
Go troop 1460!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Founder's Day!

October 31st is Founder's Day in honor of Juliette Gordon Low's birthdate. We will be talking about how Ms. Low started girl scouts and was nicknamed "Daisy." Her first troop had 18 girls...just like ours! :) I hope to have a friend come speak about her experiences as a girl scout and share details about actually being in Ms. Low's house in Savannah, Georgia. Read more about her here.
We have lots of fun things planned for October 27th! See you Daisies then!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Changes to our meeting dates

We had to move a couple of our meeting dates due to conferences. We will be meeting on October 27th instead of the 20th. Also, in March we will meet on the 30th and not the 23rd. So sorry for the change in dates. Mrs. Centa was so sweet and offered to move rooms for us that day, but there were no rooms open for her to move to.
Let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Update on PJs for AzCA!

Here is what AzCA posted on Facebook..."The results are in and we are thrilled! PJs and Eggs brought in more than 1,300 new pajamas for kids in AzCA's foster care programs statewide! Plus, hundreds of dollars in donations came in that night from diners- without us even asking!! Our supporters are generous and amazing! Thank you for joining us and thanks again to Hickman's Eggs for all they do!"
Girl did good! :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you to all of the families that took time out of their schedules to join us at The Good Egg! Also, thank you so much for every one of the Daisies bringing PJs to donate to AzCA! I know they greatly appreciate the support.
I think the girls had fun and they deserved the purple petals-Respect Myself and Others.
Thanks again! I can't wait for the bowling night next! :)

PJs and Eggs for Dinner

Tonight is the big night! I can't wait to see everyone at The Good Egg! The girls will be getting their purple petals...the are showing respect for themselves and others! :)
See you there!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Respect myself and others

Today we did respect myself and others. I will give the girls their purple petal on Friday or at the next meeting if we won't see you at the PJs and Eggs event. We ran out of time today! First we had a guest speaker from West Valley dentistry, then Tisha told about her illustration talent, I told about my photography talent, and Miss Chandra told about her baking talent...yum! Daisy cookies. (see photos)
After all of that, the girls told their talents and started to decorate their daisy mirrors. The paint would have never been able to dry in time, so they brought that part home :)
Can't wait for Friday!! See you then!
PS...Update for bowling night...we have to pay with one check or debit card to get the group rate, so please send $10.39 for each person in your group that will be bowling by 11/3/10. This includes 2 hours bowling, shoe rental, a drink and popcorn or a hotdog.
If you are not bowling, you will not be charged. Just bring money for the concession stand. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Just a reminder that we have a meeting this Wed. (October 6th)
Friday, October 8th is the PJs and Eggs event. We will be outside on the patio...wear PJ's if you can and let me know if you could not get PJ's to donate...I have extras as well as a couple other parents :) AzCA will be so grateful for the donations!
Last, thank you for all of the RSVPs for bowling night on November 12th at 6pm. I have reserved lanes for 53 people. Should be a fun night! Let me know if you have any questions about that event :)
See you soon!!