Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Respect myself and others

Today we did respect myself and others. I will give the girls their purple petal on Friday or at the next meeting if we won't see you at the PJs and Eggs event. We ran out of time today! First we had a guest speaker from West Valley dentistry, then Tisha told about her illustration talent, I told about my photography talent, and Miss Chandra told about her baking talent...yum! Daisy cookies. (see photos)
After all of that, the girls told their talents and started to decorate their daisy mirrors. The paint would have never been able to dry in time, so they brought that part home :)
Can't wait for Friday!! See you then!
PS...Update for bowling night...we have to pay with one check or debit card to get the group rate, so please send $10.39 for each person in your group that will be bowling by 11/3/10. This includes 2 hours bowling, shoe rental, a drink and popcorn or a hotdog.
If you are not bowling, you will not be charged. Just bring money for the concession stand. :)

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