Monday, November 29, 2010

December 1st

Reminder! We have a meeting this Wed. (Dec. 1st)They will get the light blue petal (Honest and Fair) These will be given out Dec.15th.
They will make bracelets for themselves and the Kinder troop. We will also be dividing up trinkets fairly...without fighting. :)
Please let me know if you are sending a game so I can make sure we have at least 5.
I would like to try and get photos of all of the girls...bring a smile!
Should be a fun meeting!
See you soon!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dec. 15th

December 15th, the girls will be painting a large trash can for the campus. Mrs. Moore (the art teacher) is allowing us to use her paint, trash can, and room for this special project. She used to be a girl scout! We are excited for this opportunity to go along with the petal "friendly and helpful".
Please send clothing on this day for the girls to change into that you will not be sad if house paint gets on. It cannot be removed from clothing, so please have them bring something they can get paint on. :)
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Important information for Dec. 1st!

Dec. 1st we will be talking about being honest and fair. We moved this up from Dec. 15th to be able to make bracelets for the Kinder troop on campus. :)
Also, if anyone can send a board game or fun game for the girls to play that doesn't have too many small pieces that can get easily lost, that would be great! I think if we have 5 games, the girls can get into teams and play.

We will be dividing trinkets this day and making petal colored bracelets.
Dec. 15th we will be giving the bracelets to the Kinder troop.
I also wanted to take photos of the girls in the have them bring a smile!
Hmmm...anything else we can fit in...haha!
Lastly, I am trying to post important information on this blog, so check back weekly for updates!
Thank you! :)

Considerate and Caring

Today the girls decorated flowers pots, then planted flowers in them, and delivered them to the teachers and staff. They did a great job!
They should have spring green petals to iron on.
Thank you for all of the food donated! We will drop it off at the Norterra event for St. Mary's food bank.
These girls are amazing!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Canned food drive

Remember tomorrow (November 17th) we will be planting flowers pots for the Norterra staff and collecting food to donate to St. Mary's food bank. We will donate it at the November 27th Norterra event if you would like to join us.
Thank you for your donations!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More updates!

This Friday at 6pm is the bowling field trip!! So excited! Bring your vests and socks for anyone bowling.
November 17th we are collecting food for the girl scout food drive. Please send any canned goods or non-perishable items for a local food bank.
We will be working on the petal, "considerate and caring".
To show the Norterra teachers how much we appreciate them, we will be decorating mini flower pots and planting them with live flowers. Please do not send your daisy girl in their best clothing. We may get dirty!
Thank you for all of your participation and support!
Go troop 1460!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Nutcracker Field Trip

Payment was sent today, so we are all set for the field trip on Dec. 17th at 1:30pm for the Nutcracker play. Please review the idea of the story with your Daisy before the day of the event.
We will meet the girls at the flag pole at 11:30am if they are getting a ride with Tisha or myself, heading straight to Peter Piper and then off to the play.
We are super excited to see the performance!
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thank you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Orange and red petals!

The girls were given orange (from last week) and red petals from today. Ask them how they are courageous and strong! They had great answers.
Thank you for payment for the field trips! These are going to be a great time!
Also, thank you to Tisha and the helpers at the meetings! Things are very busy in our meetings and we get lots done from our helpers...including the Daisy sisters. (They passed out the petals today). So cute!
Anyway, here is the photo again for the petal placement.
Last, we will have a food collection next meeting to give to a food bank for the holidays. Please let the girls know why they are donating canned goods or any other non-perishable food item. We will collect it all next meeting (11/17) and I will drop it off to a food bank.
The next petal up is considerate and caring so this ties into that very well.
Let us know if there are any questions! This troop is the best group of girls!
Go Troop 1460

Monday, November 1, 2010

Field Trips!

Money for Bowling is due November 3rd...$10.39 per person bowling.
Money for the Nutcracker in December is due the same day and is $3 per person attending. Let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you!