Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Important information for Dec. 1st!

Dec. 1st we will be talking about being honest and fair. We moved this up from Dec. 15th to be able to make bracelets for the Kinder troop on campus. :)
Also, if anyone can send a board game or fun game for the girls to play that doesn't have too many small pieces that can get easily lost, that would be great! I think if we have 5 games, the girls can get into teams and play.

We will be dividing trinkets this day and making petal colored bracelets.
Dec. 15th we will be giving the bracelets to the Kinder troop.
I also wanted to take photos of the girls in the have them bring a smile!
Hmmm...anything else we can fit in...haha!
Lastly, I am trying to post important information on this blog, so check back weekly for updates!
Thank you! :)

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