Monday, June 6, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone that was able to make the trip to Prescott! It was a great time despite a few long car rides and pizza taking forever! haha

Lucky for the kids, their parents brought lots of snacks! :)

I know our troop is large, but they are such a tight group and I love that!

If you did not get your registration page from me, I have them. They just need to be signed and payment for the year is due July 1st.

We will have a meeting in August (details later this month) for parents to go over committees that will be in place this year as well as plans for the year. Some examples are field trips, special service projects, RSVP person, & cookie sales. Be thinking if you are willing to be on one of the committees....I know a couple categories already have people willing to help and that is so great!

Thank you again!

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