Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The girls worked hard today tying blankets...we were glad to have extra help was needed ;)
I forgot to take a photo of all of them! They did a great job!
They did page 50 in their workbooks. They have some homework to do...
Homework due 10/5: They should have a star paper that is double sided that you can fill out as a family. Let me know if your girl does not have one and I can get you one or you can just draw a star on any paper. Turn to page 51 in their book as a guide for what to put in the star. No need to get super fancy...this is just something they can do with you to bring back to share at the next meeting.
We have almost completed the 3 keys to getting their first patch!
1. They discovered their talents
2. They discovered the values of the girl scout law
3. They will discover their family talents and values in this project
They need to bring their completed star and books to the next meeting (Oct. 5th)
Gally is the next snack helper!
Miss Mayberry went home with Skye today...thank you Skye for snack!
*Reminder for snacks...please be mindful in chosing what you send for snack. Fruits, veggies and cheese are the best choices. Sugar makes the girls a bit hyper as well as we are trying to set a good example for healthy eating. Something with 10-11 grams of sugar does not seem too high when you compare to a Capri Sun drink that has 20 grams of sugar, but really the snacks with 10 grams of sugar may have 8-10 TEASPOONS of sugar in it. That is the maximum daily amount anyone should have. Add that to the sugary pizza sauce the kids may have on pizza Wed. and the kids are on a sugar roller coaster. Hopping off the soap box now...we just want to set a good example for the girls. :)
If you are wanting to send a healthy snack and it needs refrigeration, Tisha or I would be happy to take it the night before and bring it the day of our meeting.
Thank you for all you do!!!
Enjoy reading about the Girl Scout Law and creating your stars.

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