Saturday, October 29, 2011

Field Trips!

We had an amazing field trip to Old Mac Donald farm and to Micheal's Craft Store this month!
I need to create a slide show of all the great photos, but for now here is one from the craft store. :)

Special Guest

We had a special guest at our last meeting. Skylar, a cadette girl scout, came by to talk with the girls about her experiences and fun she has had within her troop. The girls had lots of good questions for her. After that we made the girl scout recipe to make treat bags for the staff at Norterra. The 2nd grade team got an extra special gift of $5 to starbucks as well. :)
The girls made cards for their sweet!
We are lucky to have such an amazing troop!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Family in Need

Another troop leader passed this on to us about a 15 year old girl in the Anthem area. So sad. (See below for details)

Katie Wagner is a 15yr old that has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, stage 4 bone and lung cancer. The Wagner Family have been long time Anthem residents. Katie has started her battle and we would like to ask you all to support her in several ways.
First and foremost, please keep Katie in your thoughts and prayers.
Second, the medical bills are sure to become a major burden to the family so there are several events being planned.

On Saturday, October 29th Hands Across Anthem will start at 8 AM. Chanel 10 News will be broadcasting from the event so that Katie can watch it at the hospital and a radio station may also be out there.
ALSO on Saturday, October 29th there will be a car wash at the CVS on the north west Corner of Anthem Way and Gavilan Peak Parkway from 10 AM to 1 PM to benefit Katie..

There have also been two bank accounts set up for donations to be given to Katie at Mid First Bank and Wells Fargo Bank, ask for the "Katie Wagner Donation Account".

Other things that have been arranged are home meals, lawn care, home cleaning, food at the hospital and much, much more.

There will be other fundraising opportunities planned on a monthly basis so please keep up to date on these through our email blasts.

Hands Across Anthem
Helping Hands Across Anthem
Give a hand up to a family in need.
Support this 15 year old girl Katie Wagner who was just
diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung and Bone cancer.
Saturday October 29
Line up starts at Anthem and Gavilan Peak Parkway. Anthem coming
together and holding hands across Anthem east on Anthem Way. Lets
see if we can make it all the way down Anthem Way east and around to
Meridian Road!!!
$ 1.00 Per Hand
Please call Casey D. Cottrell @ 623.551.3156
Let see if we can come up with 3000 hands!
Go troop 1460!
So thankful all of our kiddos are healthy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't forget

We have a meeting today after school and Thursday at 6pm we have the field trip to Michael's. See you there!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


If anyone would like to donate to The Raab family, they are trying to recover financially now from all of the medical bills.
The email to use to send money is
Any amount helps! :)
Thank you!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nov. 4th!

The PJ's and Eggs event will be Nov. 4th at 5:30pm. The Good Egg sadly is not hosting it this year, so we are going to Over Easy at 9375 E. Bell Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
It is for a great cause! We are helping to collect Pj's for AZCA. The foster children many times are taken from their homes with nothing, so a new pair of jammies can really make a child's day. Old Navy and Costco are great places to buy inexpensive ones. Please wear your PJ's and bring a new pair to donate! Over Easy is excited that Girl Scouts are coming!! Go Troop 1460!
(Look for the evite to RSVP so I can give them a head count by Oct. 30th)

Also, March 7th Jungle Jill will be visiting our girl scouts! 10 animals to see and possibly exciting!
This will be a very special meeting. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Discovery Key!

Today the girls earned their discovery key. We are working through a journey book, "It's Your World, Change It!" and here is a link to see what each key represents.
Here is where to place the new key patches.
Gally brought frogs and pencils made from food for snack. Ms. Dani, you outdid yourself!! Thank you Gally for snack...have fun with Miss Mayberry!

Today we did so many other things...we shared our family stars, we played pass the ball as a team (the girls did amazing of course!), we made a chart about how to work as a team, we made Erin a card (she broke her elbow and we hope she feels better soon!), we made 3 day walk cards to send to some people doing the walk, and last we made a recipe for girl scouts. See here to read the list. We left out the nuts, but the rest was in there ;)

We do not meet again until Oct. 26th due to parent/teacher conferences.

Hope to see you on Oct. 23rd at the Farm (please rsvp to the evite Colleen sent) and the 27th at Micheal's. Both should be very fun days!

Last, the girls wanted to make a video to tell Erin they miss her and we all hope she is better soon!
We missed you Erin!!
Troop 1460

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here are some updates for our troop...
1. The farm day has been moved to Old Mac Donald Ranch
If you got my email for Groupon, you can use that. Otherwise, it is $7 per person if you bring a can of food to donate. $8 per person without the canned food donation. The date is set for Oct. 23rd most likely. We will have the RSVP crew send the evite soon with exact day and time. :)

2. Nov. 4th will be the PJ and Egg event again at 5:30pm at Over Easy in Scottsdale. You wear your Pj's and bring a pair to donate to AZCA.

3. Tisha and I will not be attending the 3 day walk event, but feel free to go support the walkers if your family wants to Nov. 12th or 13th!
Go Troop 1460!