Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Discovery Key!

Today the girls earned their discovery key. We are working through a journey book, "It's Your World, Change It!" and here is a link to see what each key represents.
Here is where to place the new key patches.
Gally brought frogs and pencils made from food for snack. Ms. Dani, you outdid yourself!! Thank you Gally for snack...have fun with Miss Mayberry!

Today we did so many other things...we shared our family stars, we played pass the ball as a team (the girls did amazing of course!), we made a chart about how to work as a team, we made Erin a card (she broke her elbow and we hope she feels better soon!), we made 3 day walk cards to send to some people doing the walk, and last we made a recipe for girl scouts. See here to read the list. We left out the nuts, but the rest was in there ;)

We do not meet again until Oct. 26th due to parent/teacher conferences.

Hope to see you on Oct. 23rd at the Farm (please rsvp to the evite Colleen sent) and the 27th at Micheal's. Both should be very fun days!

Last, the girls wanted to make a video to tell Erin they miss her and we all hope she is better soon!
We missed you Erin!!
Troop 1460

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