Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good luck Maddy!

Wed. was a great Tea Party and celebration to send Maddy M. off to her new adventures in Idaho. We will sure miss her! The girls were all so sweet with what they said to her in circle. We had lots of snacks and of course tea and pink lemonaide. Thank you to Karlie for the apples, grapes and crumb cake. :) The little tea cups were from my grandma. She wanted to get all the girls a cup they could keep and planned on attending the party as well. Sadly, she passed away on the 23rd. I had a couple girls ask why "Gee Gee" couldn't make it when I told the troop where the cups came from and that they could keep them. I did not want to share about her not being here any longer, so I just said she wasn't able to make it. I was afraid it would upset them if they have not had an experience with a family member dying. Just wanted you to know in case they mentioned it.
I hope they all had as much fun as I did! We are so lucky to have so many caring, sweet girls in our troop.
Go troop 1460!!

1 comment:

  1. is Maddy your troop mascot? we have one and so far she has spend a couple of weeks with each of our girl scouts we want to start sending her out and hosting mascots next year but i havent had much luck finding people to host or send us mascots on the yahoo group..
