Sunday, July 29, 2012

Next year...

Cannot believe that the new school year is almost here! We are excited for all the fun planned. August 25th is going to be rescheduled due to not having a level one certified camp leader available: We will finalize details soon and send out an evite, but click here to see the room. 1400 sq. feet! :) Please call or email me with questions.

At the meeting we will talk about ideas for next year. Some ideas already mentioned for next year are... Visiting the recycling plant, cereta's candy factory, getting Christmas Angels tags and shopping as a troop for them, rock climbing, fry's store tour about healthy eating, a baking day, put on a mini talent show, holiday caroling or card making for a nursing home, cleaning up our school or neighborhoods, horseback riding, boutique day and more! Please let us know if you have any ideas for volunteering, field trips and giving back. :) We are thinking the first day for a GS meeting will be September 5th, same place and time, but need final approval from the school. As always, please let me or Tisha know of any ideas, questions, or concerns!
PS...check out our new bear friend, "Brownie". She will be visiting the girls at the Resort and will be our new troop pal!

Go Troop 1460!

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