Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Books are Done!

Today we finished up the books that will be shipped away to be published. If your child did not finish today, please help them at home get it done ASAP. All the papers are in the box with a pre-paid envelope to use. We hope to have them all mailed by Friday so we get them back in time to see at our last meeting. The girls did a great job!
We have two meetings left! The last one will be a party. Snack helpers left are: Madison C.-5/1
Temi and Savannah-5/15 (Party day!)
Erin will give Brownie bear to Kayla Howard this week and Alexis will give Miss Mayberry to Gwenz. Let me know if you need help doing that.
Please remember that we have a parent meeting at Pita Jungle on April 23rd at 7pm to discuss SeaWorld. RSVP on evite sent out. :)
Sea World trip is on June 29th.
Please let us know if your girl is continuing on so we can order the supplies for next year.
I cannot believe how fast the year flew by!
Go troop 1460!

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