Monday, September 9, 2013

Parent Meeting and updates for the year

The parent meeting will be September 17th at Pita Jungle at 6:30pm. Please RSVP so we can save enough seats. Please bring your check made to troop 1460 to *pay for the year. :) *If you need assistance or to split the payment, please let us know.
With the sash and items to go on the sash, the Junior cost for uniform is $26. The dues will be $48, and registration is $15, so the total cost this year is $89. If they want their own Junior folders, the cost will be $106. (Room $320 for year, book $7, bridging kit/patches $15, and journey patches $5 are all covered by the troop). We have a total of $977.47 in our troop account.

We will be choosing a Troop crest this year. See the choices here.
We are excited for the family camp day on December 1st. Please use this link to sign up. :) It is $5 per person. Feb. 15th-16th there is a camp in Prescott for Juniors as well. It is $35 per person and I will have information on that at the parent meeting.

Tisha has made a new Kaper chart with fun jobs and responsibilities. :)

Overall, we are excited for a new year and to include the Daisies!

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