Monday, September 9, 2013

Parent Meeting and updates for the year

The parent meeting will be September 17th at Pita Jungle at 6:30pm. Please RSVP so we can save enough seats. Please bring your check made to troop 1460 to *pay for the year. :) *If you need assistance or to split the payment, please let us know.
With the sash and items to go on the sash, the Junior cost for uniform is $26. The dues will be $48, and registration is $15, so the total cost this year is $89. If they want their own Junior folders, the cost will be $106. (Room $320 for year, book $7, bridging kit/patches $15, and journey patches $5 are all covered by the troop). We have a total of $977.47 in our troop account.

We will be choosing a Troop crest this year. See the choices here.
We are excited for the family camp day on December 1st. Please use this link to sign up. :) It is $5 per person. Feb. 15th-16th there is a camp in Prescott for Juniors as well. It is $35 per person and I will have information on that at the parent meeting.

Tisha has made a new Kaper chart with fun jobs and responsibilities. :)

Overall, we are excited for a new year and to include the Daisies!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome back!

It is almost that time of year again! Our first meeting will be on September 11th. The parent meeting can be at the end of August if you want to meet at Pita Jungle or we can do via email since this is not our first year at this. I will email a date tomorrow. :)
We are excited to begin this journey as Juniors and including our little Daisies! So many fun things this year.
I will have a total for costs before our parent meeting.

Thank you!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Junior Updates

Here is a link to see the new Junior vest or sash. We will take a vote on which the girls prefer.

I estimate the new uniform to cost about $40 per girl.
We will still be asking for $3 per meeting (About $54-$57) for supplies and $20 per meeting for the room fee will be covered by the troop this year.

Thank you to everyone who has RSVP'd for the bridging ceremony and Sea World trip. I am excited for both!

We are losing two of our Girl Scouts that are moving on to new things and activities. I am happy for both of them and hope they know they will always be a part of Troop 1460!

The last meeting of the year is May 15th...please RSVP if you are joining us so we have plenty of food and drinks.

Hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Books are Done!

Today we finished up the books that will be shipped away to be published. If your child did not finish today, please help them at home get it done ASAP. All the papers are in the box with a pre-paid envelope to use. We hope to have them all mailed by Friday so we get them back in time to see at our last meeting. The girls did a great job!
We have two meetings left! The last one will be a party. Snack helpers left are: Madison C.-5/1
Temi and Savannah-5/15 (Party day!)
Erin will give Brownie bear to Kayla Howard this week and Alexis will give Miss Mayberry to Gwenz. Let me know if you need help doing that.
Please remember that we have a parent meeting at Pita Jungle on April 23rd at 7pm to discuss SeaWorld. RSVP on evite sent out. :)
Sea World trip is on June 29th.
Please let us know if your girl is continuing on so we can order the supplies for next year.
I cannot believe how fast the year flew by!
Go troop 1460!

Monday, March 11, 2013

March Meeting

Our only meeting in March will be on the 20th since there are P/T conferences this week. :)
The girls will be writing their stories, so please have them start their rough drafts and bring them.
Thank you!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

World Thinking Day!

We had so much fun today!
Thank you for all the information boards, food and swaps sent in. The girls really enjoyed it all!
Our next meeting is not until March 20th due to conferences. Please have the girls write their rough draft of the their book so we can do the final copy that day and bring to the meeting. They have to be mailed in March to get the final copies in time to share with the class. This year has flown by!

Here is a video from today. Sorry it is so shaky...I am not used to my camera as a video yet and manual focus is weird too.  Turn song off on blog to hear it better ;)


Thanks again!