Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Important news for March!

March 9th will be a busy day! At the meeting, we have a firefighter or two coming by to talk to the girls about fire safety. They will earn the last daisy petal for respect authority! Also, Elliot's mom is making a special cake! So exciting!
That night at 6pm we will be heading to Peter Piper Pizza to celebrate girl scout's birthday with our sister 1st grade troop from Norterra.
If we have $200+ in sales, PPP will donate a portion to our troops! Also, the girl scouts get to make their own fun is that!
I will be getting some flyers from PPP on Friday to give out at the school.
Spread the word! I hope to see you all there!
Note: I will not be available to deposit money from March 12th-19th.
Please have any money needing to be deposited in by March 11th and then the final money deposit can be on the 20th if needed.
You all have done great with getting the money to Alyssa! Go troop 1460!
Last, some girls have been a tad more chatty and basically not following rules at times. Since we are nearing the end of the year, I do expect the girls to know how to act and treat others in meetings and at our outings. If a girl is asked more than 3 times in a meeting to follow our rules, they will have to earn the petal or patch with homework. Parents will need to sign off on how they earned the petal/patch before they are given the award. With such a large troop, a few girls not following along is really distracting. We will talk to the girls on Wed. before the firefighters arrive on the 9th to review our expectations.
They really are a great troop and I am sure they will all do great, but wanted you to have the heads up in case we have anyone that does not come home with their petal.
Thank you!

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