Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Respect Authority!

Today was a great day! The girls earned their last petal- magenta petal for respect authority.
We had 3 firemen come visit. They were so nice and gave lots of good information. Thank you station 56!
Also, a big thank you to Elliot's mom for making the yummy and beautiful cake for Girl Scouts birthday this month...100 years of girl scouts!
Tonight we also had a great time at Peter Piper Pizza with our sister troop! We have not received the total yet, but I think we made at least $150 for the two troops! Thank you to all who joined us!
The girls got to make their own pizza, a pizza maker patch, and certificate for completing the class.
March 26th at 10am is the Petsmart field trip.
Our next meeting is March 30th since there are conferences after Spring Break.
This will be such a fun meeting....we are camping on campus! Hotdogs and smores in a bag. Feel free to join us!
All cookie money needs to be in by March 20th at the latest.
You have all done a great job selling cookies and collecting the money. I will be gone all of Spring Break, but you can continue to give money to Alyssa and I will deposit when I return. If you can get the money in this Friday, even better! ;)
Have a great Spring Vacation!!

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