Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The girls will transfer to be Brownies next year! Yay! Please let me know if your Daisy will not be continuing on with us. We have a waiting list to get into our troop right now and we need to register early....by the end of May for next year. :)

Thank you!
Go Troop 1460!

Monday, April 25, 2011

May updates

May 1st is the Fun Day at As You Wish! Please arrive by 3pm or a little earlier to get a seat and get ready to paint or glaze your Daisy Box. Let me know if you have any questions.

May 4th- Regular Daisy meeting

May 6th, we are still meeting a sister Brownie troop at the Anthem Outlets at 1:30pm. If you are bringing your Daisy, please meet us at the playground area at 1:15pm at the Outlets. If we are taking your Daisy, we will be feeding them a snack from the food court at noon and then heading to the playground at 12:45 before the meeting that is at 1:30pm in Suite 435.
Please email Tisha at tishamorgan@myarbonne.com and return your permission slip to her by May 1st.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Busy Bee Day

Today we read Chapter 3 in the book. Page 44 and 45 are to do at home.
They can also read Chapter 4 and complete pages 62,63, and 65. On page 64 is the Girl Scout Law, which we are learning. They need to know it by May 18th. :)
The girls made the cutest sock mice today to donate to a Kitty Shelter. I need to take a photo...the cats will love them! They earned the Honey Bee Award for making our world a better place making the mice toys.

We will be collecting any water/food dishes, collars, leashes, blankets, etc. for a non-profit organization that saves dogs that are left in the desert to fend for themselves. They are short on money, so if we can gather supplies, they said it would help them save more dogs! Items can be brought to our next meeting.

Last, look for a widening our circle patch (goes on the back of the vest), the garden patch with a bee and a watering can. (These go on the front) See here for a diagram.

They also will have a piece of paper with their "part" for the Daisy Garden Tea Party skit that will take place May 18th.
Please help them read and review their lines. They do not need to memorize them, just need to be able to read the lines as best they can.
*If your child has a country such as Spain, China, or France, etc..they need to know the word for "Hello", such as hola for Spain. Also, any facts you can find on the internet about the girl scouts from that country will be great to share.

The girls are doing so amazing! Let me know if you have questions about your daisy's part. (The girls played a little bit of switching after they got their parts)

Please send the girls with their skit parts, color packets, supply bag, vest with petals attached and book for our next meeting on May 4th. :)

Go troop 1460!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Food Tidings

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the Raab family food tidings.
It has been a great support to their family! April 30th is coming up soon and no one has taken that day if anyone is available! Also, they will be needing this support through July when Alysha is hopefully done with her chemo treatments, so check back through the summer to see if any days are open!

Thank you again for being such a great help to our neighborhood family! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Meeting updates

This week we have a meeting on Wed. the 20th. Please have your girl bring her new book and bag with markers or crayons.
We will be giving out patches, so watch for them. :)

May 1st at 3:00 we are meeting at As You Wish to paint pottery.

May 4th we are meeting on our normal schedule. The girls will need their books again.

May 6th at 1pm we will be meeting with our sister Brownie troop at the Anthem Outlets. Please RSVP if you have not already.

May 14th-possible family day in Prescott...need to talk about this and take a vote if after school gets out would be better*

May 18th is our last meeting and our garden party. Parents and siblings are welcome.
An official invite will go home May 4th. The girls will have songs and a skit to perform for you. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have 30 RSVPs for painting pottery on May 1st at 3:00pm (As You Wish Deer Valley).
If there is room, parents can paint too. All of the siblings that were listed are included in our final number. Parents are $8 to paint and kids are $6 to paint plus the pottery. The Daisies will be covered by girl scouts.
For May 6th, please RSVP to let us know if you can make it to Anthem Outlets by 1pm to meet up with a Brownie troop. We need to tell them how many supplies to get.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the food tidings for the Raab family!
They live very close to the school, so it was an easy drop off. The family can use meal support, any financial donations, art supplies, basic essentials, snacks for the kids, and any gift cards to the grocery store or restaurants. They are faced with caring for Alysha, who has the cancer related medical needs and two teenage girls that have normal teenage needs. They are an amazing family to balance it all!
Thank you again....I hope we can fill their meal calendar for April and May!

The girls had a busy day today! After reading chapter 1 & 2 in their new books, we were able to plant some Daisy seeds. We did not water them so the paper bags could stay dry. They should have more seeds left to plant as well. It is their job to tend to their "garden." They will be getting the first part to their patch next meeting. The watering can :)
We also had a visit with a vet along side the Kinder troop. We have an awesome group of girls and they did very well. You should have two items that were sent home with the girls given by the vet office. Their doggy pal was a favorite too!
Thank you to Savannah for snack, even if she was unable to join us. We hope she enjoys her time with Miss Mayberry!
Go troop 1460!

Shasta Daisy

Today the girls will plant Shasta Daisies in a small cup. Here is a link to the care of a Daisy Garden.
The girls need to care for the seeds as part of their journey. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Norterra Pirate in Need!

Hello everyone!
I am sure you know about Alysha, the 5th grade girl at Norterra battling cancer. Her family is having a hard time financially as well as time to shop and cook for weekly meals. They have a meal support page set up for any donations to help ease their burden right now. I am bringing food tomorrow before our meeting and I am asking that if you can support them with a meal this month or next, please sign up for a day. You can make it, get a pre bought at a store like Costco or even donate a gift card so they can pick up a meal for their family. I know they would so appreciate the help and this makes a great service project for our Daisies! The money we raised at PPP last month will be given to the family as well for meals when we get the check. It was a small amount (about $55), but it will help this family in need. Thank you in advance and let me know if you have any questions. With such a large troop, we can almost fill this month, if we all pitch in! :)
Here is the link to sign up... Help our fellow pirate in need!
Here is her Care Page to read about her story and get updates on what the family needs. You sign up using your email and a password and then you can get the most recent updates. This family is beyond strong to be surviving all they are going through....Alysha is a very brave girl for sure!

Thank you again!
Troop 1460

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 6th and May 1st

April 6th at 4pm, we will join the kindergarten troop to hear from a vet about pet care. The girls will also get their new books and first journey patch!

May 1st at 3pm, the troop will meet at As You Wish to paint a flower box as their celebration for a great cookie sale. The girls' pottery will be covered by the troop funds and the paint fee is free for girl scouts for the month of May.
If you (a parent) or sibling want to paint, it is $6 for kids and $8 for adults plus the cost of the pottery you choose.
We have about 30 attending, so it should be fun! :)

If you have any questions, please let me know!