Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Norterra Pirate in Need!

Hello everyone!
I am sure you know about Alysha, the 5th grade girl at Norterra battling cancer. Her family is having a hard time financially as well as time to shop and cook for weekly meals. They have a meal support page set up for any donations to help ease their burden right now. I am bringing food tomorrow before our meeting and I am asking that if you can support them with a meal this month or next, please sign up for a day. You can make it, get a pre bought at a store like Costco or even donate a gift card so they can pick up a meal for their family. I know they would so appreciate the help and this makes a great service project for our Daisies! The money we raised at PPP last month will be given to the family as well for meals when we get the check. It was a small amount (about $55), but it will help this family in need. Thank you in advance and let me know if you have any questions. With such a large troop, we can almost fill this month, if we all pitch in! :)
Here is the link to sign up... Help our fellow pirate in need!
Here is her Care Page to read about her story and get updates on what the family needs. You sign up using your email and a password and then you can get the most recent updates. This family is beyond strong to be surviving all they are going through....Alysha is a very brave girl for sure!

Thank you again!
Troop 1460

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