Monday, April 18, 2011

Meeting updates

This week we have a meeting on Wed. the 20th. Please have your girl bring her new book and bag with markers or crayons.
We will be giving out patches, so watch for them. :)

May 1st at 3:00 we are meeting at As You Wish to paint pottery.

May 4th we are meeting on our normal schedule. The girls will need their books again.

May 6th at 1pm we will be meeting with our sister Brownie troop at the Anthem Outlets. Please RSVP if you have not already.

May 14th-possible family day in Prescott...need to talk about this and take a vote if after school gets out would be better*

May 18th is our last meeting and our garden party. Parents and siblings are welcome.
An official invite will go home May 4th. The girls will have songs and a skit to perform for you. :)

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