Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who made the trip to PPP tonight and for all of the volunteers willing to help out! We have the best troop...great parents and kiddos. I know this year will be so much fun!
Highlights from the meeting if you missed or are not an auditory learner (like myself)
Uniforms are all size M. If it is way too big, you can trade them at the council office. Patch diagrams can be found here. Third page has the Brownie diagram.
We will pass out the new girl books at the first meeting as well as the new tab with pins.
Please iron or sew the patches given to you before our first meeting on September 7th if possible. The rainbow patch from the bridging ceremony will go on the brown vest. :) Official patches and try-its will go on the front of the vest. Any other non-offical patches go on the back...anywhere I believe.
Meetings: We are meeting in room 201 again this year. Snack helpers are listed on the blog under snack schedule and below.
Sept. 21st-Skye
Oct. 5th-Gallatin
Oct. 26th-Elliot
November 9th-Claire
November 23rd-Erin
December 14th-Megan
January 11th- Jadyn
January 25th-Karlie
February 8th-Kayla
February 22nd-Kalyn
March 7th-Cierra
April 4th-Alexis
April 18th-Gwenz
May 2nd-Madison C. & Savannah
May 16th-Temi & Madison M.

Please let us know if you cannot bring snack on your assigned day and we will trade you with another girl.
We will be having healthy snacks this year aside from the occasional treat for parties or birthdays that will be served at the end of the meetings.
Please let us know if you need help thinking of a healthy snack.
Water will be served by the leaders. We are still a NO NUT troop since we have a severe food allergy in our group.
Snacks can be store bought or homemade...we all know we wash our hands in our troop. Jennifer found this out tonight at the meeting. LOL

Here are the committees for this year...
1. RSVP Coordinator-Colleen: (Main Coordinator)
Co-coordinators: Tiffany and Sandie
Job: Take turns sending evites for the field trips and charity events.
Also, send leader(s) the list of attending girls so we have a way to track the girls and money owed, etc.
2. Field trip advisors- Shana, Chandy, Kristine, and Susan
Research ideas for field trips and send the leader(s) the details so we can plan the best month and time for the troop. We will typically have one field trip per month unless we have a charity event that month or cookie sales.
3. Charity Coordinators: Dani and Lori
Find charitable causes or activities for the girls to do that correspond with our lessons and get details to the leader(s). We will probably have about 2-3 charities to support or events this year.
*First on the agenda....get awning or large umbrella for Norterra Canyon.

4. Cookie Sales Team- Cheryl, Jennifer, and Sandie
Our cookie mom, Alyssa, will need support to pick up cookies (need trucks for this). Cookie deliveries or prize delivery may be needed as well.
Also, we need booth spots to be scouted out and approval obtained prior to the booth sale dates.
Last, we will need 2 adults to be at each booth sales table to monitor and help the girls.
*More details closer to the cookie sale date since booth sales will be a new thing this year.

5. Arts and Crafts Coordinators: Jennifer, Lori, and Kristine
We will need help cutting fabric, sewing, and helping in general with anything that is craft or fabric related...I cannot sew worth anything, so thank you for those who can.
Let me know if I forgot anything or anyone. The help is greatly appreciated!

Really I cannot express how thankful and excited I am about this year. You are all amazing and make this the best Brownie Troop ever!!!
Go Troop 1460!!

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