Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome Back!

We have approval from Norterra to use room 201 again! Yay!
Here are the dates we have set so far...we will meet at 3pm-4:45pm.
Sept. 7th and 21st
Oct. 5th and 26th
November 9th and 23rd
December 14th
January 11th and 25th
February 8th and 22nd
March 7th
April 4th and 18th
May 2nd and 16th
We will have snack helpers taking Miss Mayberry home again this year.
*See sidebar for the dates you are assigned for snack. If you cannot do that date, please let me know so we can trade you with another girl.
Important dates:
August 30th we will have the parent meeting from 6pm-7pm at PPP off Carefree Hwy. I will get the girls each 10 tokens, so you can eat before coming or be in charge of getting your own pizzas to eat there.
We will be discussing the 4 committees for this year, plans for the year, and giving out uniforms. Hope to see you there!
4 committees will be...
1. RSVP Coordinator (Send out evites for our field trips and events)
2. Field trip advisor (Researches field trip ideas and gets the leader the details so we can plan what is best for the troop)
3. Charity Coordinator (Finds charities that need support or other charitable activies for the girls to do that correspond with our lessons)
4. Cookie sales Team (Support to the cookie mom and leaders during cookie sales) Ex: Find locations for booths, pick up or deliver cookies and help at the first pick up of cookies for pre-sales.
Welcome back troop builder
Join us at Build-A-Bear Workshop®
on September 17th (10:30am-12:30pm)
Arrowhead Towne Center
7700 W. Arrowhead Towne Cntr.
Glendale, AZ 85308
Telephone: 623-773-3964
Each girl will get $10 to buy a bear. Any additional items or higher priced animals will be at parent discretion and expense. :)
Please welcome Gwenz! She is our newest member that was on the waiting list from last year when we started the troop.
She is excited to join us this year!
Please let me know if you have any questions...Tisha and I are ready for another amazing year!
See you soon!

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