Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/8 Meeting and Cookie Money

Hello! This week we had a great meeting. The girls had a great snack...thank you Kayla! We talked about manners and we made signs for the cookie booths. We squeezed in a home-made valentine too :) We ran a little behind since we ended up having a 20 minute surprise talk on lice. Some girls were playing with each others hair while we were having our floor talk time and I explained with how bad 2nd grade has lice going around the things we should not be doing. (Sharing hats, clips, brushes, jackets, etc) So, if your girl starts to ask you to check their head for bugs, you will know why...haha. :) It really is going around bad right now. Our class has gotten lots of pink notes sent home, so it was a much needed talk. (Click on links to see photos or get more information...the girls were asking about what they looked like.)
On a happier note, they got a cooking patch if they went to Alexis' house for the Dizzy Whisk, a patch for the tea party we have last month and one to celebrate 100 years of girl scouts. These all go on the back of the vest.
Cookie sales
Hope you all have contacted Alyssa to get your cookies. Please make sure to collect money as soon as you can and give to me or Alyssa so we have enough money on Feb. 24th to allow council to debit half of the cookie money out. Last year they waited until the end of cookie sales, but this year they are splitting the payments, so please try to have your pre-sales money collected and turned in by February 20th.
Thank you!!

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