Wednesday, February 22, 2012

World Thinking Day!

Today is World Thinking Day! The theme for World Thinking Day 2012 is girls worldwide say "we can save our planet." The girls should have a patch and a paper to fill out on how they can help the environment.
The council site said this patch can go on the front since it is an official patch. I am not sure where it goes yet. :) I will post that when I find out.

The girls went outside today to sketch something in nature. Most of them said they felt calm, peaceful and happy from their adventure. We have a very smart and fun group of girls.
Next time we meet on March 7th is a special day. We have Jungle Jill coming to visit!! She arrives at 3:30 after we have a quick snack. The 1st grade Daisy Troop will be joining us as well.
We are super excited for her to visit!! If you look at the site and see an animal your child would like to visit, I will try to have her bring it. It will depend on how many she can bring (about 10) and if it is up for travel the day of our event. Please email me any suggestions though! :)

Are your patches falling off? Well, Jadyn's are! I am thinking I will be taking her vest to a seamstress to get the patches to stay on. Here is the diagram for the triangle patches. The other patches that they have earned go on the back of the vest. We have the 100th year, the tea party, the cooking patch if they attended, Build a Bear, Peter Piper and now the World thinking (that goes on the front).

Cookie Sales Update
Our council has sold 2,668,147 packages so far! Our troop alone has sold nearly 3,000! I am so proud of our troop for being so amazing! We have one more booth day left from 12-2pm on 2/25 and then we will just be wrapping up individual sales. We will be having a parent/girl meeting at a park soon to talk about what we would like to do with the troop money. The girls have lots of ideas, so it should be fun!

Go Troop 1460!

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