Thursday, April 26, 2012

May 2nd

We have our next meeting on May 2nd. Only 2 more meetings! Yikes! The last one on the 16, we will have a carnival party. Should be fun! Couple things: 1. Still working on the refund for cancelled camp 2. Last call for RSVPs for yoga day on May 5th. I am ordering the patches! 3. If anyone wants to donate to the Just for me bags, please get it to me by May 2nd. I planned on dropping it all this week, but had two sick kids, so no driving downtown for me. :) 4. If anyone would like to donate candy (bulk) or cookies/biscottis for teacher appreciate week, Tisha and I are collecting the items to set up a candy bar on May 7th and delivering coffee on May 8th in the morning. Let me know if you want to bring anything or come help! :) Thank you all for everything you do!!!

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