Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Please RSVP for yoga day so we know how many to plan for and how many patches to buy.
Please make sure you are registered if you are attending camp with your girl.
(You can give me the rest of the money owed this week or at camp) Just write a check to Troop 1460 so I can keep track of it. Handing me a stack of cash is not a great idea...haha.
Last, we are collecting items for AZCA on April 18th at our tree planting ceremony. If you cannot get me your items by then, you can join us on April 20th at Elevate where Thrivent Financial is gathering items for the Just for me Bags too. :) We have a 1/2 day at school, so we will be stopping by there.
They expressed that they would love to see Girl Scouts there. It's at 1pm. They will provide food to eat. You can bring items from the list I emailed to put in the bags or just come and help fill. They will have items there to put in the bags. If your girls go, have them wear their uniforms and let me know you will be going so I can tell them how many to plan for. Let me know if you need suggestions of what to bring.
Camp list:
Wear comfy clothes and shoes, bring water bottle and sack lunch, wear sunscreen, bring a jacket since it may be chilly, and be ready to have fun!
Thank you!!

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