Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Camp Money

I finally have the list of camp $ refunds. We got it all back except for the $12 the parents paid for membership for this year. I will refund you what you paid for camp in full or you can choose to use the money towards the dues for next year. We will be registering the troop in June. If you are not continuing, please let me know so I do not register your girl. I will let everyone know the amount they have for credit when we have the parent meeting going over cost for next year. Thank you!! Shannon

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I have the Yoga patches finally and forgot to pass them out at the car wash. I got one for all the girls even if they did not attend the event. Just talk about or do some Yoga. :) Here are the extra patches I have that some of you are probably missing.... 1 first aide, 2 tea party, 5 pink keys, 1 yellow lock, 2 100th anniversary, 1 manners count and 1 world thinking day. Let me know what you need. :) The car wash was a success!! We raised $150! Go troop 1460! Thank you!! Shannon

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you!!!!

I am without words to express how thankful I am for all of you and your girls. Our troop is truly the BEST! I loved the framed photo with all the signatures of the girls. That is priceless! The gift cards were too nice of all of you as well. I really appreciate all of it, so a big thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart! The girls seemed to enjoy today! There were so many great things to eat...thank you for all the donations! It was the first time we gave the girls 2nd and 3rd helpings. They played games, got their faces painted, and colored shirts for everyone to sign. I am in denial our meetings are over. This year went way too fast, but I am excited for next year. Chandra has volunteered her home for a parent meeting to discuss the new year plans, so she will let us know the date soon. (June most likely). We still need to take the final vote for our last hoorah for the cookie sales from this year too. Also, I will email you (when I finally get email on my computer again...can you say HUGE virus crash! ick) the total I need to refund you or apply to next years dues. If we register this summer, the neighborhood gets Brownies points. :) The only thing I missed today was taking a photo of any kind. Brought my big camera and everything, but with face painting and talking and signing shirts and enjoying our last meeting of the year...I forgot. Sorry! :) Again thank you all so very much!! Can't wait for our small adventures over the summer and to see what we can squeeze in 18 meetings next year!! haha xo Shannon

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd

Today was a great and busy day. We voted on what to do with the carwash money....1/2 will go to a animal shelter and half will go to a homeless shelter. They also voted on what to do as an end of the year celebration. We will announce the decision at the next meeting and when it will take place. Should be fun! We talked about what kind of games and food should be at the carnival on May 16th. They want PIZZA! Girl Scouts will cover that part and the rest of the items will be potluck style. They have lots of ideas of what to bring, so watch out! haha We will try to accomodate the games they have suggested as well. After the voting, we drew self portraits. They colored them with oil pastels and some may have a baggie of them to finish their art. (Be careful...they do stain and can melt in the car, so that is why they are in a baggie). Last, they earned the last triangle patch for completing their journey! We have accomplished so much this year! Go troop 1460!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hello! Do not forget to RSVP for the carwash fundraiser on May 19th! If you want to bring something to share to eat at the carnival party on May 16th, let me know via evite as well :) Last, RSVP for May 5th for the yoga day please! Thank you!