Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd

Today was a great and busy day. We voted on what to do with the carwash money....1/2 will go to a animal shelter and half will go to a homeless shelter. They also voted on what to do as an end of the year celebration. We will announce the decision at the next meeting and when it will take place. Should be fun! We talked about what kind of games and food should be at the carnival on May 16th. They want PIZZA! Girl Scouts will cover that part and the rest of the items will be potluck style. They have lots of ideas of what to bring, so watch out! haha We will try to accomodate the games they have suggested as well. After the voting, we drew self portraits. They colored them with oil pastels and some may have a baggie of them to finish their art. (Be careful...they do stain and can melt in the car, so that is why they are in a baggie). Last, they earned the last triangle patch for completing their journey! We have accomplished so much this year! Go troop 1460!

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