Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thank you!!!!

I am without words to express how thankful I am for all of you and your girls. Our troop is truly the BEST! I loved the framed photo with all the signatures of the girls. That is priceless! The gift cards were too nice of all of you as well. I really appreciate all of it, so a big thank you from the bottom (and top) of my heart! The girls seemed to enjoy today! There were so many great things to eat...thank you for all the donations! It was the first time we gave the girls 2nd and 3rd helpings. They played games, got their faces painted, and colored shirts for everyone to sign. I am in denial our meetings are over. This year went way too fast, but I am excited for next year. Chandra has volunteered her home for a parent meeting to discuss the new year plans, so she will let us know the date soon. (June most likely). We still need to take the final vote for our last hoorah for the cookie sales from this year too. Also, I will email you (when I finally get email on my computer again...can you say HUGE virus crash! ick) the total I need to refund you or apply to next years dues. If we register this summer, the neighborhood gets Brownies points. :) The only thing I missed today was taking a photo of any kind. Brought my big camera and everything, but with face painting and talking and signing shirts and enjoying our last meeting of the year...I forgot. Sorry! :) Again thank you all so very much!! Can't wait for our small adventures over the summer and to see what we can squeeze in 18 meetings next year!! haha xo Shannon

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