Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parent Meeting

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting tonight. Also, thank you to Chandra and Joel for letting us use their home! It was much appreciated. If you could not make the meeting, no worries. I will email you the total amount due by September 5th. We covered the $12 council fee this year, the book and patch ($12), so each family only owed $51 for supplies unless you had camp credit. Next year will be more pricey with the new vests, etc. so we thought it would be a good year for a break. After paying for everything we still have $2,252.37 in our troop account, so we are in good shape for this year. Thank you for the great cookie season!!
Highlights from the meetings:

Meetings start September 5th. Lauren is the first snack helper. Please check the side bar on the right for your date of snack helping. :)

If you would like your field trip idea used, please email me or Tisha the name of the place, tenative dates, cost per girl and the contact information. We are happy so many parents wanted to plan a field trip this year.
We will have a troop sponsored activity soon....more details to come!

Our focus will be the girls this year. We are excited for all the fun stuff to come!
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Go troop 1460!

Here are the notes from the meeting if you missed it:

Welcome back Girl Scout families!

We are excited for our last year as Brownies! Our focus this year is the "World of Girls." We will start each meeting with talking about how we can be the best Girl Scouts we can be and how to handle tricky situations from bullying, manners, handling our feelings, speaking up for ourselves, treating others how we want to be treated and basically learning how to handle things that upset us. They will be getting 4 journey patches like last year and another book. We will have fun patches as well that correlate to our field trips and other events. We will meet in room 203 this year. The day is still Wed. from 3:00pm to 4:45pm starting on September 5th.

Here is the breakdown of costs for this year:

Council fee-$12 per girl and $12 per any adult helping out

Book-$7& Patches-$5=$12 per girl

Supplies $3 per meeting x17= $51 per girl for the year

We are still trying to find out if we will be charged for our room usage this year. I will let you know when I find out. It is $20 per meeting if they do. I am hoping we can swap community service for the room.

New things: We have a new friend, Brownie Bear. She will be visiting Girl Scouts this year along with Miss Mayberry. Look for her soon and share your adventures in her book!

Snack-Please see the blog at for your date. Let me know if your date does not work and we will get it switched with another girl.

Field trips/charity time: We still plan to have one activity per month. Field trips are optional and the cost will be covered by parents unless we vote to make it a troop expense or a family cannot afford the cost. As always, no one will ever be left out of attending due to cost.

Some things we were able to do last year were: Write a letter to ask about an awning for our school, Build a Bear field trip for team building, go to the pumpkin farm, Michael's scavenger hunt, collect items for the Raab family, cookies for cancer event, Girly Girlz to make a bear for Phoenix Children's Hospital, cooking class, Jungle Jill visit, Pjs and Eggs event, tree planting (we were 1 of 100 troops chosen!), PSA about helping the earth, donated items just for me bags to the children in foster care, & car wash for two shelters ($150!)

If anyone would like to host a trip one month, please let me know. You would be in charge of finding out the cost, date, time and details of the activity, then submit to myself or Tisha for approval. You can send out the evite and I will collect any money that may need to be paid.

Behavior: This year our expectations for behavior are higher. This is our 3rd year as a troop, so it should be expected that the girls will: be respectful, use kind words, raise their hand to talk and not interrupt lessons.

They will get one warning, 2nd is a time out with a co-leader or helper parent, and third will be a note home.

Thank you! Go Troop 1460!

Shannon& Tisha

Charity ideas:

Angel Tree shopping as a group

Gathering gifts for children of All My Children Group Home

Cookies and cards for the Military

Spend time at a Nursing Home making cards or singing for them

Ideas for Events:
Flagstaff Extreme trip (Shana is getting details)

Cibola Vista Sleepover-September or next June?

Recycling Plant

Horseback Riding

Rock Climbing

Fry's Grocery Store Tour

Flash light Hike 10/26 or another date from 6:30pm to 9:00pm (Chandra is looking into this)

Boutique Day

Talent Show

Great Skate

Yogurtini Night (Fundraiser)

Golf N Stuff

Other suggestions or ideas:

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