Friday, May 6, 2011


1st step to bridging from Daisies to Brownies is done! Today we met with the Brownie troop out in Anthem....the girls did so AMAZING! It was a long time to sit and listen to a leader read and talk and they did sooo well! It was great information and I am even more excited for next year! (Yes,I am staying on as leader for those who thought I would run away screaming after this year...ahem, Walt! J/K..haha!)

This truly has been an amazing experience! For never being in Girl Scouts myself, I think we have covered the bases with Daisies, the girls were all so sweet, I had some great helpers and a fabulous could not have been a better year!

Even the other troop leader commented on how great our girls were and I agree x10!

Thank you for a great adventure and trusting me to help grow your Daisies in their Girl Scout Journey! we come!
PS...we had a great pizza lunch and then some Yogurtberry to celebrate Temi's b-day!
Want to know what those boxes are they made? They are to write down random acts of kindness in your house or things that show good manners. You take a slip of paper, write the good thing down, then place in the box. At the end of the week, you can read the good deeds as a, right? ;)
Go troop 1460!

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