Monday, May 2, 2011

Friday, May 6th

Ok, I finally have details to share about this coming Friday, May 6th!
The girls will need....
1. A shoe box with a slit cut in the lid so they can put slips of paper in it. Also, it needs to be covered in plain paper so they can decorate it ;)
2. Bring their bag of supplies
3. Their vest
4. Money (about $5 for lunch) if they are not riding with you to the event.
We were meeting at 1pm, but it has been changed to 1:30, so the other troop can do birthday snacks for 1/2 hour.
If we are driving your girl, we will still get them as planned at the flag pole at 11:35pm. We will head to Anthem Outlet's food court to have lunch/snack at noon.
After the girls eat, we will play in the kid play area until about 1:15 or so.
At that time, we will head to Suite 435 by Bath and Body Works.
*Parents bringing your can meet us at 1:15pm at the play area or at suite 435 by 1:30pm. You are also welcome to join us earlier when we eat at the food court.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
The girls will be meeting with a Brownie troop and discussing manners, creating a craft and playing games. Should be fun!
Please make sure you have your permission slip turned into Tisha before Friday!
Thank you!
See the girls this Wed., May 4th!

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