Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for! The girls wrote why they are thankful for each other sweet! They also wrote a letter to Mr. Ettenborough about helping the school with a large sun shade at the parent pick-up area. We had a great snack...thank you Erin! We had a bonus of pumpkin pie as well...yum!!
The girls have so many ideas of how to help and for this they earned the pink Key for taking action by writing the letter, planning out how to help the community and each other. If your girl missed the meeting, they will get the key at the next meeting. (I have Claire's as well since she was afraid to lose it without her backpack with her) :)
The final piece (the lock) will be give when they can complete the mission they set out to do. Date....TBD. :)

The Raab family gifts need to be turned in to our next meeting on Dec. 14th or before. They are so thankful that the list was completed! If anyone wants to add coats or gift cards for their girls to get coats, let me know! Thank you for all everyone did!

Also, the school has a board up in the office of kids in need from Norterra for a gift this holiday season. Just wanted to mention it since I didn't know until Mrs. Centa told me about it. Great thing to do with your child. :)

For Dec. 14th, please bring a new or gently used book wrapped for the girls' secret sister gift exchange. I was going to have them draw names, but thought it would be too hard for them to hold in that secret, so they will draw a name of who to give their book to at the meeting. For this reason, please make the book 2nd grade reading level appropriate since we do not know who will be getting what books. :)
We will have a Polar Express Day for our next meeting. Megan is the snack helper, but Tisha and I will provide milk and cookies for the storytime as well.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Eggs Event!

Over 1,000 pairs of Pjs were donated from the Pjs and Eggs Event! Thank you again for helping make that possible!
Go Troop 1460!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you!

Our list to help the Raab family is almost complete. Thank you! We truly have the best troop around and I am so thankful for all of you!
The Raabs will be so happy!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today was a great meeting. The girls earned the connect Key. It has a yellow key with the blue elf. Here is the diagram for the placement.
They planned on two events to help the community. One is to help the Raab family with holiday donations. Alysha will also be visiting our troop after the 1st of the year. See the list here.
If anyone wants to join us for her birthday/cancer free party, it is next Wed. at 5pm. Email me for details. :)
We also wrote our letter to the principal to get approval for the sail to shade the front of the school. We hope to hear back soon.
Last, we turned in the paperwork to try and be one of 100 troops that will be able to plant a tree for girl scouts. We should know by Dec. 20th.
The girls were very excited.
Their project was to create a dream board. It was things they want to do in life or become when they grow up. It was cute to see how they saw themselves or the things they want to do.
Thank you Claire for snack! Hope you have fun with Miss Mayberry!
See you all soon!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PJ and Eggs

The event for PJs and Eggs went so well. I loved that we had our own room and it was buffet style so there was no waiting. :)

AzCA was so thankful that we brought in sooo many PJs to donate! We filled the box! You are all so amazing. Thank you for being so generous (we had donations even from families that could not make it!) and making it a fun event!
Here are some photos from the night...Mr. Moose was very popular! :)

Raab Family

Hello again!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that in Dec. we will be collecting donations to gift to the Raab family for the Holidays. I think the girls will be much happier collecting items for a family they know rather than a random one that is assigned to us.
The idea is to support the family with a few gifts so they can have some items that are needed. These are basic need items that are hard for them to afford right now due to all of the medical bills from the year of Alysha's treatments.
Here is the list so you can have it ahead of time. Do not feel like you have to donate, but I know when I talked with the Raab family, they were so grateful for everything the troop has done and given this year. Alysha will also be visiting our troop at one of the meetings after the 1st of the year, so the girls can ask questions and tell her how happy they are for her recovery.

The List:
Basic Items:
Fuzzy slippers- 2 large and 1 medium
Pj pants- 1 small and 2 large
Beauty Goods:
Lotions and bath stuff
Falsy mascara (2)
Light eyeshadow for Alysha
Medium curling iron
Nail Polish
Britney Spears perfume-(Curious)
Gift cards:
Fry's Grocery
3 disposable cameras that are waterproof (underwater cameras)
The reason for 3 is Alysha has two older teenage sisters (Bre and Katie)
It is humbling to think of what this family has and is still enduring emotionally and financially. I am so thankful for all of our healthy kids!
Thank you in advance!!

Healthy Living

Please do not forget to return your healthy living agreement on Wed. (11/9) your Brownie should have given you after our last meeting. If you do not have one, just write down what you can do to be healthier as a family. (Ex: take walks together, eat less sugar, or anything you and your Brownie can think of)

Excited for our meeting Wed.!

Go Troop 1460!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Updates

Do not forget that this Friday is the PJs and Eggs event. It is also the Norterra Family Movie Night, so we understand if you cannot make it.

Please RSVP to the evite Colleen sent out either way so we have a good head count for a table where we can all be in the same area.

Also, Mrs. Beatty (Karlie's mom) said she would save a seat for any girl scouts that want to try to make the movie at the school after dinner. Please email her at if you want her to save you a seat. :)

Thank you to everyone for being so awesome! We are so lucky to have an amazing troop!!!
Go Troop 1460!