Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today was a great meeting. The girls earned the connect Key. It has a yellow key with the blue elf. Here is the diagram for the placement.
They planned on two events to help the community. One is to help the Raab family with holiday donations. Alysha will also be visiting our troop after the 1st of the year. See the list here.
If anyone wants to join us for her birthday/cancer free party, it is next Wed. at 5pm. Email me for details. :)
We also wrote our letter to the principal to get approval for the sail to shade the front of the school. We hope to hear back soon.
Last, we turned in the paperwork to try and be one of 100 troops that will be able to plant a tree for girl scouts. We should know by Dec. 20th.
The girls were very excited.
Their project was to create a dream board. It was things they want to do in life or become when they grow up. It was cute to see how they saw themselves or the things they want to do.
Thank you Claire for snack! Hope you have fun with Miss Mayberry!
See you all soon!

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