Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for! The girls wrote why they are thankful for each other sweet! They also wrote a letter to Mr. Ettenborough about helping the school with a large sun shade at the parent pick-up area. We had a great snack...thank you Erin! We had a bonus of pumpkin pie as well...yum!!
The girls have so many ideas of how to help and for this they earned the pink Key for taking action by writing the letter, planning out how to help the community and each other. If your girl missed the meeting, they will get the key at the next meeting. (I have Claire's as well since she was afraid to lose it without her backpack with her) :)
The final piece (the lock) will be give when they can complete the mission they set out to do. Date....TBD. :)

The Raab family gifts need to be turned in to our next meeting on Dec. 14th or before. They are so thankful that the list was completed! If anyone wants to add coats or gift cards for their girls to get coats, let me know! Thank you for all everyone did!

Also, the school has a board up in the office of kids in need from Norterra for a gift this holiday season. Just wanted to mention it since I didn't know until Mrs. Centa told me about it. Great thing to do with your child. :)

For Dec. 14th, please bring a new or gently used book wrapped for the girls' secret sister gift exchange. I was going to have them draw names, but thought it would be too hard for them to hold in that secret, so they will draw a name of who to give their book to at the meeting. For this reason, please make the book 2nd grade reading level appropriate since we do not know who will be getting what books. :)
We will have a Polar Express Day for our next meeting. Megan is the snack helper, but Tisha and I will provide milk and cookies for the storytime as well.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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