Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Raab Family

Hello again!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that in Dec. we will be collecting donations to gift to the Raab family for the Holidays. I think the girls will be much happier collecting items for a family they know rather than a random one that is assigned to us.
The idea is to support the family with a few gifts so they can have some items that are needed. These are basic need items that are hard for them to afford right now due to all of the medical bills from the year of Alysha's treatments.
Here is the list so you can have it ahead of time. Do not feel like you have to donate, but I know when I talked with the Raab family, they were so grateful for everything the troop has done and given this year. Alysha will also be visiting our troop at one of the meetings after the 1st of the year, so the girls can ask questions and tell her how happy they are for her recovery.

The List:
Basic Items:
Fuzzy slippers- 2 large and 1 medium
Pj pants- 1 small and 2 large
Beauty Goods:
Lotions and bath stuff
Falsy mascara (2)
Light eyeshadow for Alysha
Medium curling iron
Nail Polish
Britney Spears perfume-(Curious)
Gift cards:
Fry's Grocery
3 disposable cameras that are waterproof (underwater cameras)
The reason for 3 is Alysha has two older teenage sisters (Bre and Katie)
It is humbling to think of what this family has and is still enduring emotionally and financially. I am so thankful for all of our healthy kids!
Thank you in advance!!

1 comment:

  1. Are the pjs and slippers for adults or kids? Slippers in more grown up pairs have sizes, come to think of it Savannah's had a # size too. Just trying to make sure we all get the correct stuff.
