Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

Cookie Sales
Thank you to everyone who made the meeting! I am excited to see what we sell this year. Should be so fun. If you missed the meeting, please email Alyssa, our cookie mom, to see when the next date you can pick up your sales info. Sales start Jan. 7th at 9am....please no sooner. The council keeps an eye for parents trying to sell cookies before the start date. :)

The Girly Girlz Event
Let us know if your girl needs a ride so we can make sure we have room. We hope to be back at my house by 6pm.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid! Please RSVP and get me the $20 per girl ASAP. I have to pay in full by Jan. 20th. I have only paid for 10 girls so far.

The Dance
Please make sure I have your $10 per couple by Jan. 9th, so I can pay in full for the dance by our next leader meeting.
We will be meeting at the dance (dad's and daughters). No limo this year. The check-in starts at 6:45pm. You can bring the 2 cans of food to the dance to donate at the door.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the girls is Jan. 11th. We will be able to tell them we were picked to plant a tree at the school!!! So exciting.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good News!!!

We were selected as one of 100 troops to receive a tree to plant at our school!!

The girls will be so excited. I find out more in January, but wanted to share some good news! :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have sent out a evite for the Girly Girlz field trip. Please RSVP, as soon as you can. We need 10 girls to be able to book. It is $19.95 plus tax, so just get me $20 to make it easier by this Wed. the 21st if your Brownie is going.
Thank you!

Help needed

Derek Michlitsch and his family are in need of food tidings and gas cards. He is back in the sad! Read here about his family and updates for his recovery.
Here is the link if you want to take them a meal.
Thank you for all you do!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Field Trip!

January 27th at 2:30pm (changed to 3:30pm since this is a school day), we will be going to Girly Girlz to get a glitter updo and make a bear for a Children's Hospital. Please RSVP to the evite so we know how many will be there. This will be before the dance at 7pm.
Thank you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

January Updates!

Cookie time is almost here. We will be having a parent meeting before Jan. 7th. Look for an email soon with details. It will be a short meeting since we have done this before. :)
The new factor this year is boothing. We can have up to 4 girls with 2 adults at each booth. Details will be discussed at the meeting.

The He and She Dance theme is Winter Wonderland.
It will be Jan. 27th from 7-9pm. Please have your $5 per person to me by Jan. 11th (our next meeting). They are also asking you bring 2 cans of food per person. There will be light refreshments and photos being taken there for $10 (cash only for 2-8x10s) More can be purchased online after the dance.
The location is St. Rose Church 2825 W. Rose Canyon Circle in Anthem

Last, we will be having a field trip to Girly Girlz before the dance to make a bear to donate to a Children's Hospital and get a glitter updo. It will be $20 for this event. I will send an evite after I confirm the time.

See you soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Polar Express

Today was a very fun Polar Express Day! Thank you Megan for snack...hope Miss Mayberry enjoys a long vacation with you!

Today we had cocoa and cookies, heard the story of the polar express, got a bell (can you hear it?) and made a plate for Santa Cookies. Note: These plates were colored with permanent markers, but one girl scout wiped off a mistake with a clorox wipe. I would dry wipe with a paper towel or cloth if cleaning it and only wet it if necessary. I would be sad if their great designs were ruined.

Thank you to everyone for all the donations!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

See the girls in 2012!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reminder for 12/14

Tomorrow is our meeting! Please remember to turn in your item for the Raab family if you were donating an item(s).
Also, please remember to bring a wrapped new or gently used book for the sister exchange.

Thank you soo much! Happy December....cannot believe it is almost 2012!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Quick updates:
Dec. 10th is the bake sale for Cookies for Kids Cancer. See details to the right. Hope you can make it! :)

Dec. 14th is the only meeting this will be a Polar Express day. Hot chocolate, cookies and a story! We will also make a plate for Santa cookies.
Please remember to send your child with a new or gently used wrapped book to exchange with a sister scout. If you cannot get a book, please let me know so I can have one there for your child.

Also, please have your item to donate to the Raab family to me by Dec. 14th. I would love to be able to give them the gifts on that day. If you need me to pick it up, just call or text me. 602-751-6812. You can also give your item(s) to Tisha.

Thank you so much for everything! I cannot believe 2012 is coming up so quickly!!

We are so lucky to have the best troop!