Thursday, December 15, 2011

January Updates!

Cookie time is almost here. We will be having a parent meeting before Jan. 7th. Look for an email soon with details. It will be a short meeting since we have done this before. :)
The new factor this year is boothing. We can have up to 4 girls with 2 adults at each booth. Details will be discussed at the meeting.

The He and She Dance theme is Winter Wonderland.
It will be Jan. 27th from 7-9pm. Please have your $5 per person to me by Jan. 11th (our next meeting). They are also asking you bring 2 cans of food per person. There will be light refreshments and photos being taken there for $10 (cash only for 2-8x10s) More can be purchased online after the dance.
The location is St. Rose Church 2825 W. Rose Canyon Circle in Anthem

Last, we will be having a field trip to Girly Girlz before the dance to make a bear to donate to a Children's Hospital and get a glitter updo. It will be $20 for this event. I will send an evite after I confirm the time.

See you soon!

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