Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

Cookie Sales
Thank you to everyone who made the meeting! I am excited to see what we sell this year. Should be so fun. If you missed the meeting, please email Alyssa, our cookie mom, to see when the next date you can pick up your sales info. Sales start Jan. 7th at 9am....please no sooner. The council keeps an eye for parents trying to sell cookies before the start date. :)

The Girly Girlz Event
Let us know if your girl needs a ride so we can make sure we have room. We hope to be back at my house by 6pm.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid! Please RSVP and get me the $20 per girl ASAP. I have to pay in full by Jan. 20th. I have only paid for 10 girls so far.

The Dance
Please make sure I have your $10 per couple by Jan. 9th, so I can pay in full for the dance by our next leader meeting.
We will be meeting at the dance (dad's and daughters). No limo this year. The check-in starts at 6:45pm. You can bring the 2 cans of food to the dance to donate at the door.

Next Meeting

The next meeting for the girls is Jan. 11th. We will be able to tell them we were picked to plant a tree at the school!!! So exciting.

Happy New Year!

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