Friday, September 21, 2012

Meeting #2

Our meeting went great! Thank you Skye for the fruit snacks and cute hair bows! :)
We made Cookies for Kids Cancer t-shirts to wear if you are coming to the Bake Sale Event on September 29th. They made signs as well...such creative girls! Last, they made Norterra Canyon magnets to sell to help fundraise for the PTSA. The coaches want to have a special girl scout night for one of the basketball games. Details soon...should be so fun! UPDATE: The coaches ended up getting a Bose system donated to them last week, so we still have the money we collected and part of it will go to getting Mrs. Moore (art teacher) a new pencil sharpener. The rest we will take a vote with the girls and see what they want to do. I know the school needs new balls, etc. for the playground as well. THANK YOU to everyone who wanted to help get the coaches their system. They were thankful for our efforts, but we are glad another parent was able to get them the system they wanted.

Here are some photos of our amazing troop...these girls are the best!

Monday, September 17, 2012


This Wednesday is our next meeting. Please have the girls bring their books. :) We will also be making shirts and signs for the Cookies for Cancer event and some other fun activities! See you soon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Next Meeting

In case you missed the Evite message from Shana about Cookies for Kids Cancer, here it is...
"Hi moms - just wanted you to know that I have baggies, ties and stickers for you all to use for packaging your cookies.  I'll be at next week's Girl Scout meeting to distribute stuff but if you can't make that meeting, let me know and I'll drop it by your house."

The next meeting is September 19th. We will be making some signs for the event as well as other great stuff.

Thank you again for all of the donations. The office was full of hygiene items today that I left for Anne (PTA president at Paseo Hills) to pick up. We are still working on the coaches gift. It went from a $200 system to $350. Long story, but basically it need to be in no cords. Costco version has cords. Boo. We will get it figured out. If anyone still wants to send in money, we have $198 so far. :) If needed we will sell the Norterra magnets or search Craiglist for a more budget friendly option.

Our troop is the best!

See you next week!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Meeting!

Our first meeting back went great! We talked about how we will have the girls rotate being leaders in small groups each meeting. We had snack....thank you Lauren! She also made all the girls a cute sweet! After that we colored their little packs to keep their books in that they received as well. Such a fun day. The girls have matured so much over the short summer. We were really proud how they listened so well and have great ideas to share. They were extremely gracious to Madison and welcomed her to our troop as if she has always been with us. We are happy that we are back to our original 18 girls....just like the very first Daisy Troop!

Thank you to everyone for getting your supply dues in and for the $20 room fee. We have so many fun things planned this year!

Go Troop 1460!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 5th!

Tomorrow is the day!! Cannot wait to see all the girls for our first meeting back! We will meet them in the circle still and then head to room 203. Pick up is 4:45pm. :)

See you then!