Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Next Meeting

In case you missed the Evite message from Shana about Cookies for Kids Cancer, here it is...
"Hi moms - just wanted you to know that I have baggies, ties and stickers for you all to use for packaging your cookies.  I'll be at next week's Girl Scout meeting to distribute stuff but if you can't make that meeting, let me know and I'll drop it by your house."

The next meeting is September 19th. We will be making some signs for the event as well as other great stuff.

Thank you again for all of the donations. The office was full of hygiene items today that I left for Anne (PTA president at Paseo Hills) to pick up. We are still working on the coaches gift. It went from a $200 system to $350. Long story, but basically it need to be in no cords. Costco version has cords. Boo. We will get it figured out. If anyone still wants to send in money, we have $198 so far. :) If needed we will sell the Norterra magnets or search Craiglist for a more budget friendly option.

Our troop is the best!

See you next week!

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