Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Meeting!

Our first meeting back went great! We talked about how we will have the girls rotate being leaders in small groups each meeting. We had snack....thank you Lauren! She also made all the girls a cute sweet! After that we colored their little packs to keep their books in that they received as well. Such a fun day. The girls have matured so much over the short summer. We were really proud how they listened so well and have great ideas to share. They were extremely gracious to Madison and welcomed her to our troop as if she has always been with us. We are happy that we are back to our original 18 girls....just like the very first Daisy Troop!

Thank you to everyone for getting your supply dues in and for the $20 room fee. We have so many fun things planned this year!

Go Troop 1460!!

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