Friday, September 21, 2012

Meeting #2

Our meeting went great! Thank you Skye for the fruit snacks and cute hair bows! :)
We made Cookies for Kids Cancer t-shirts to wear if you are coming to the Bake Sale Event on September 29th. They made signs as well...such creative girls! Last, they made Norterra Canyon magnets to sell to help fundraise for the PTSA. The coaches want to have a special girl scout night for one of the basketball games. Details soon...should be so fun! UPDATE: The coaches ended up getting a Bose system donated to them last week, so we still have the money we collected and part of it will go to getting Mrs. Moore (art teacher) a new pencil sharpener. The rest we will take a vote with the girls and see what they want to do. I know the school needs new balls, etc. for the playground as well. THANK YOU to everyone who wanted to help get the coaches their system. They were thankful for our efforts, but we are glad another parent was able to get them the system they wanted.

Here are some photos of our amazing troop...these girls are the best!

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