Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blue Promise Patch!

Hello again!
Today the girls recited the Girl Scout Promise! They all earned their Blue Promise Patch for the center of the Daisy Petals. Here is where the patch goes.
The patch has a paper backing on it that you remove first.
You will want to let your iron heat up for a few minutes before ironing on the patches. Never place the iron directly on the patches or the ink will run and the patch will look fuzzy and blurry. Iron over the sash or vest where the Girl Scout patch will be placed for a few minutes. Once it is very warm, then place the patch where it is supposed to go. Lay a thin cloth on top of the patch and iron for a few minutes. Turn the sash or vest over and iron the back of it, where the new patch is. The final step is to lay the thin cloth over the front of the patch again, and ensure the edges are securely attached by ironing again.

Next Wednesday we will meet again. Normally it is every other week, but to make sure we did not run into Winter Break, we scheduled it this way.
The girls will have a guest Speaker from West Valley Dentistry. Also, mom's will share their talents to reinforce "Respect Yourself and Others". They will earn the purple petal. So many fun things planned! See this post for more details about that :)
Look for the evite for a bowling night in November! We will have one outing or field trip planned per month. Loved all the ideas shared so far!
Thank you to all the helpers and to the girls for being the best Daisy Scouts!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Meet Miss Mayberry

Miss Mayberry "Berry" for short will be spending some time with the Daisies very soon!
She will go home with the snack helper each meeting and return the following time we meet.
Berry has a notebook to write about your adventures in and even put a photo in there if you want to. She is so excited to spend time with each girl this year!
See you soon Berry!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's the Plan?

This is our tenative plan through December. (click on photo to see enlarged view)
We are always open to more ideas. We are trying to plan a petal each meeting, have a book or song to correlate, and an activity or project.
For the petals, we are starting with Purple after they get the blue center. The girls will be given their petals as they earn them and then they will bring them home to be ironed on their vest.
If a Daisy is absent, an alternative assignment will be given to earn their petal.
We have some great things planned this year! More details will be given for each week as they approach like for the canned food drive, special field trips, and photo day! :)
See you soon!


Check out the updates about PJs and Eggs! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I had a few parents ask about Cookie sales and since I am new at this, I had to find out.
The cookie sale will be starting January 15th I believe. I will need a couple cookie moms to help organize the sales and delivery. Daisies cannot do booths, but I know we have lots of eager friends and family wanting to buy those cookies :)
Let me know if you want to help in any way and we will get the details sorted out as we get closer to that date.
Thank you!
Go troop 1460!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

PJ's and Eggs for Dinner

This will be our first girl scout night out on October 8th! Join us in your PJ's for a great cause. Each girl(if possible) will donate a new pair of Pajamas and have breakfast for dinner! Family members are welcome...remember the girls will need a ride to and from events.
At 5:30pm we will meet at The Good Egg to help collect new Pj's for AzCA's foster kids.
This will help the girls understand the considerate and caring petal of their daisy!
UPDATE: The manager is opening a patio just for us! Parents and kids are encouraged to wear jammies. The girls can wear their vests as well...can't wait!! AzCA is so thankful we are bringing them a troopful of pajamas! AzCA let us know size newborn to 5T are the best size for the donation PJs :) Go girl scouts!!
The address is...
34948 N. Valley Parkway
Phoenix AZ 85086
Please RSVP so we have an accurate number to tell them on the 8th :)
Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Troop update

Just an update that our troop is officially full with 18 girls. If anyone has friends or classmates wanting to join a Daisy troop, I would encourage them to create a new one that we can sister and help along. It would be fun to do the outings with another troop and have pen pals. I am sad we cannot have any more girls join our troop, but to make it fair to the girls who have already joined, we need to put a limit on how large our group gets.

Also, if you have any special talent to share with the girls, we are going to have a day of sharing and helping the girls recognize their own unique talents.
Thank you to everyone for the help and suggestions! This is already a great start to our year!
Go troop 1460!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Troop 1460!

Here are the 18 amazing girls of troop 1460! Thank you girls for a great first meeting and thank you to all of the helpers today!!
The girls colored supply bags (please have the girls bring these to every meeting with the crayons, markers, pencil they received today, scissors, and a glue stick.)
We learned a little about each girl, worked on learning the girl scout promise and learned a new song....

(Tune- I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little Daisy, dressed in blue
I am a Girl Scout, you are too
When I go to meetings, I sing and shout
I love being a Daisy Girl Scout!

I'm a little... hands together, at side of face, head tilted.
dressed... hands pick up hem of uniform smock
I am a Girl Scout...make GS sign
you are too... point to neighbor
When I go...hands out, palms up
I sing and shout...hands cup around mouth
I love... point to heart
Daisy Girl Scout...clap once on each word
Please have the girls work on learning the promise...

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Each girl will recite it on the 29th for the center of the daisy patch!
Note: Please let me know if your child will be going to Pirate's Cove after our meetings. (Thank you if you have already done this).
Email me or call 602-751-6812 :)
Thanks again!!
Shannon & Tisha


Just a reminder that you need to alert your child's teacher that they will be meeting Tisha and I at the flagpole for our first Girl Scout Meeting today at 3:00pm. We will be there waiting from 3:00-3:10pm and then walking to room 201.
We will be meeting walkers, parent pick-up, pirate's cove, and bus riders all in the same spot.
PS...If you had us get the uniform for you, they will be at the meeting today for the girls. All pins and patches arrived as well and will be given as they are earned through out the year. (Thanks Ms. Tisha and Ms. Donna for ironing on patches!)
Thank you!
Shannon and Tisha

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Snack on Wednesday will be Bunnie Snacks and Capri Sun 100% juice drinks.
We normally will serve water for meeting drinks unless it is a special the first meeting! Please remember to send snack with no nuts on your snack turn. We will provide drinks.
Can't wait to see the girls tomorrow!!
PS...we have 18 girls in the troop for planning on snack amounts :)
Go troop 1460!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meet the Leaders of Troop 1460

I am Shannon Fisher and I am so excited be the leader of troop 1460 this year.
My background: I taught elementary and high school art until Jadyn (my Daisy girl) was born. After that I "retired" from teaching to be with my daughter and I started helping my husband grow his real estate business from home. He soon started his own business (Fisher Realty). We decided to buy rental properties in AZ and CA as well. A fews years ago, we aquired a home in San Diego that I manage as a vacation rental and a home away from home for us.
After my second daughter was born (now 3), I decided to start a photography business. It was a great choice to make a career that was creative since I have a degree in art and education and a masters in counseling. I love art of any kind!
Over the last 11 years, I have also volunteered for New Directions Institute for Infant Brain Development. I originally was helping teen moms learn to stimulate their baby's brain development, but NDI has really grown over the years to now reach out to communities and libraries to teach the importance of the first 3 years of a child's life. Since the growth, I mainly take foster care event photos and make life books for the foster children. They are really great kids!
Overall, I have a full and wonderful life with my family and friends and cannot wait to create a girl scout family as well! I feel honored to be the leader of troop 1460!
Meet your co-leader Tisha Morgan!
My background: I am a stay home mom of 2 beautiful girls. Before becoming a mom, I worked for the airlines, but decided to leave that career to be able to spend as much time as I can with my children. I am lucky to have a very rewarding home based business with Arbonne. I love art and drawing. I am also a children's book illustrator which allows me to use my creative talents. I have been happily married for 15 years. I am originally from Ohio, but have made AZ my home. I cannot wait to get to know all of the girls and help lead troop 1460!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 15th

Just a reminder that September 15th will be our first Daisy meeting. Please have your girl scout bring the supplies requested (pair of scissors, box of crayons, pack of washable markers, and glue stick).
We will be decorating their supply bags and learning the girl scout promise.
They will need to know the promise by September 29th to earn their promise center to begin their daisy patch.
(Click on the photo to view enlarged) The girls just need to know the Promise. :)
Let us know if you have any questions!
We will be giving the girls their pins on the 15th as well to welcome them to girl scouts. I am so excited to lead this troop with Tisha and the helpers!
Please note: We will meet in room 201 each meeting from 3:15-4:45. We will walk all the girls to the front of the school after the meeting is over right outside the Kindergarten area. If your child is a parent pick-up or Pirate's Cove we will meet them at the flag pole right after school is released. Please alert your child's teacher that Tisha and I (Shannon) will be waiting there for all the girls until 3:10pm with signs that say Troop 1460. :)
See the girls soon!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nut Alert!!

Please note we have a nut allergy in our troop. Snacks should not contain nuts or be made with nuts. Thank you!!

Welcome to Daisy Troop 1460!!

We are so excited to have our troop ready to go! Thank you to the parents who came out tonight to sign up your girl scout!! This should be a fun year and this blog will be a good way to check out what we have been doing!
Here are some things to review and remember from tonight.... (click on image to enlarge)

The above items are what that can be found at Sports Chalet or the girl scout site

The above items are going to be purchased at the girl scout store.
If you opted to have all items picked up for you, your daughter will get her vest on September 19th at the first meeting. If you are picking up the uniform, please have all patches ironed on and ready to go. We will be giving the pins out at the 1st meeting as an official welcome to Girl Scouts. The pins will go on the yellow tab (See photo enlarged by clicking on it)
Also, please have the girls bring their "supply kit" to the first meeting. They will need a pair of scissors, a box of crayons, a pack of markers, and a glue stick.
At the first meeting, we will make a bag to keep all the items in. The girls need to bring the bag and supplies to each meeting.
We will be focusing on learning the Girl Scout Promise (this is how they will earn their blue center circle) Please try to recite this with them at home as well to help them learn it more quickly. They need to know it by September 29th so they get the first part to their petal patch!

The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Here are the dates we will be meeting in room 201....
September 15 & 29
October 6 & 20
November 3 & 17
December 1 & 15
Jan 12 & 26
February 9 & 23
March 9 & 23
April 6 & 20
May 4 & 18
If your child is a parent pick up or Pirate's Cove, Tisha and I will be meeting the girls at the flag pole (where they line up in the morning). Please make sure you give your child's teacher a note stating the days they will go to Girl Scouts. (Of course we would love to have more help as well, so feel free to join us by signing in at the office)
If you have a bus rider, please email me at to discuss how that will work out. The meetings will be from 3:15-4:45pm. Please pick up your child on time at the front of the school by the Kindergarten rooms. If they will be going back to Pirate's Cove, please email me that info. as well.
If you have any questions please contact me! This is a new and exciting experience for all of us.
Go troop 1460!!
Shannon Fisher