Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 15th

Just a reminder that September 15th will be our first Daisy meeting. Please have your girl scout bring the supplies requested (pair of scissors, box of crayons, pack of washable markers, and glue stick).
We will be decorating their supply bags and learning the girl scout promise.
They will need to know the promise by September 29th to earn their promise center to begin their daisy patch.
(Click on the photo to view enlarged) The girls just need to know the Promise. :)
Let us know if you have any questions!
We will be giving the girls their pins on the 15th as well to welcome them to girl scouts. I am so excited to lead this troop with Tisha and the helpers!
Please note: We will meet in room 201 each meeting from 3:15-4:45. We will walk all the girls to the front of the school after the meeting is over right outside the Kindergarten area. If your child is a parent pick-up or Pirate's Cove we will meet them at the flag pole right after school is released. Please alert your child's teacher that Tisha and I (Shannon) will be waiting there for all the girls until 3:10pm with signs that say Troop 1460. :)
See the girls soon!!!

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