Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Snack on Wednesday will be Bunnie Snacks and Capri Sun 100% juice drinks.
We normally will serve water for meeting drinks unless it is a special day...like the first meeting! Please remember to send snack with no nuts on your snack turn. We will provide drinks.
Can't wait to see the girls tomorrow!!
PS...we have 18 girls in the troop for planning on snack amounts :)
Go troop 1460!!


  1. sandie said...
    Hi Shannon and Tisha -
    I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done to get everything ready for our first meeting! The website is awesome and all the activities look so great. I am so grateful that Erin is part of this troop. She jumped out of bed this morning wanting to know why the Daisy meeting had to wait until after school! So - thank you for all your hard work in making our girls happy little Daisy's.
    Sandie Burns

  2. You are so sweet Sandie! We can't wait to have Erin and all of these great girls in the troop :)
    Thank you!
