Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meet the Leaders of Troop 1460

I am Shannon Fisher and I am so excited be the leader of troop 1460 this year.
My background: I taught elementary and high school art until Jadyn (my Daisy girl) was born. After that I "retired" from teaching to be with my daughter and I started helping my husband grow his real estate business from home. He soon started his own business (Fisher Realty). We decided to buy rental properties in AZ and CA as well. A fews years ago, we aquired a home in San Diego that I manage as a vacation rental and a home away from home for us.
After my second daughter was born (now 3), I decided to start a photography business. It was a great choice to make a career that was creative since I have a degree in art and education and a masters in counseling. I love art of any kind!
Over the last 11 years, I have also volunteered for New Directions Institute for Infant Brain Development. I originally was helping teen moms learn to stimulate their baby's brain development, but NDI has really grown over the years to now reach out to communities and libraries to teach the importance of the first 3 years of a child's life. Since the growth, I mainly take foster care event photos and make life books for the foster children. They are really great kids!
Overall, I have a full and wonderful life with my family and friends and cannot wait to create a girl scout family as well! I feel honored to be the leader of troop 1460!
Meet your co-leader Tisha Morgan!
My background: I am a stay home mom of 2 beautiful girls. Before becoming a mom, I worked for the airlines, but decided to leave that career to be able to spend as much time as I can with my children. I am lucky to have a very rewarding home based business with Arbonne. I love art and drawing. I am also a children's book illustrator which allows me to use my creative talents. I have been happily married for 15 years. I am originally from Ohio, but have made AZ my home. I cannot wait to get to know all of the girls and help lead troop 1460!!

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