Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dancing Dads

Ok, so click here to see the song the dads danced to at the Father/Daughter dance.
I think all the dads need to get together before the dance next year and learn these moves to all do together! ;) I need to find out if this will be the song again...
AND I am bringing my video camera this time, so be prepared guys!
You are all such good sports!
(Scroll down and hit pause on the blog music before clicking the link so you can hear the song)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Use Resources Wisely!

Today the girls earned the green petal for using resources wisely. They had lots of good ideas for helping our earth.
They will be bringing home a chalkboard and chalk. This is great for writing spelling words instead of using paper every week.
We also worked on a "being green" coloring book with crayons. Lots of good ideas in this one.
Last, they have a cup to use and reuse with a custom work of art they made to decorate the cup. (Note: Remove the paper before washing the cup so their art is not ruined)

Yesterday was World Thinking Day, so we also discussed girl scouts around the world.

"Girls and women of all ages in many countries do not have the same opportunities as men. They do not have the same access to education as boys and men. Women are underrepresented in the world’s governments and in the workforce, and earn far less than men.

The World Thinking Day theme for 2011 is girls worldwide say “empowering girls will change our world.” Raising awareness about this goal will help empower girls and young women to take a stand against inequality.

Did you know…?
•Girls are two times as likely to be illiterate (unable to read) as boys.
•7 out of 10 people living in poverty in the world are women and girls.
•Only 2% of the world’s land is owned by women.
•Women do two-thirds of the work in the world, but earn only 10% of the income."
Taken from girl scout website.
The girls are doing amazing things and next week they will earn the last petal to their daisy flower!
Side note: It must be getting close to Spring fever around here... it seems the girls are a little more hyper than normal. If you are due to be snack helper, please try to send a healthy snack verses a sugary one. If you want to send a treat, that is ok, but please also include something healthy like apples, carrots, cheese and crackers, or anything else with protein or lower sugar content.
Lets see if this helps them focus a little better :)
Thank you to everyone who has brought snack so far! The girls have loved it all!
Go troop 1460!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pre-dance photos

So, somehow in all the craziness I missed taking some girls photos! If your girl was one of them, I am happy to take one for you at a different sorry I missed a few father/daughter combos. With 16 girls there with family, it was hard to keep track. :)
The dance was so fun. It was amazing how great our girls and dads all were! The dads were good sports about getting out there to dance! 5 of our troop dads were in the final dance off round! We really have the best troop!
Congratulations to Savannah and Mr. Wright! Mr. Wright won the dance off, so they were the king and queen of the ball and took home some great prizes!
I hope all the girls had the best time last night...I know Jadyn did!
Go troop 1460!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rain update!

Due to rain, we are cancelling the cookie sales outside of Old Navy at 11am.

See you tonight at 5:15pm at 2333 W. Desperado Way :)
Don't forget your 6 items of canned or dried foods!

Friday, February 18, 2011


If it is raining tomorrow at 11am, we will cancel the cookie selling outside of Old Navy. Please call me if you have any questions! 602-751-6812

Also, if it is raining at 5:15pm, we may not be taking photos outside depending on how wet it is out. (Wet camera= no good) :)
Lets just hope for no rain while we are selling cookies or taking photos...haha!

Please do not forget your 3 items of food per person to donate. I got the girls really cute totes to carry them in :)

See you soon!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 19th!

This Sat. (Feb. 19th) is the walkabout cookie sale out side of Old Navy from 11:00am -12pm.
Bring your concession box and Daisy girl, we will bring the cookies! :)

Also, do not forget to meet at my house that night at 5:15pm for photos before the surprise arrives at 5:30pm to take the girls to the dance.
Please remember to bring 3 food items per person to donate!
Here are the directions to the dance location....
Start at ....2333 W Desperado Way

1. Head west on W Desperado Way toward N 24th Dr
427 ft
2. Turn left at N 24th Dr
177 ft
3. Turn right at W Desperado Way
276 ft
4. Turn left at Norterra Pkwy
0.4 mi
5. Take the 1st right onto Jomax Rd
0.4 mi
6. Turn left at N Black Canyon Hwy
0.1 mi
7. Keep left at the fork and merge onto I-17 S
5.6 mi
8. Take exit 212 for Bell Rd
0.1 mi
9. Merge onto N Black Canyon Hwy
0.1 mi
10. Turn left at W Bell Rd
0.7 mi
11. Turn right at N 21st Ave
Destination will be on the right
0.2 mi

16612 North 21st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85023-9217

Can't wait! Should be so much fun!

See you then!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Please make sure you count and re-count your cookies before signing off for them at Alyssa's house for pick up. Once you have taken the cookies and signed off, you are responsible for them as well as any that may have been a mis-count. If you lose the money you collect from the sales, that is also your responsibility.
The troop cannot take the hit for any mistakes made during the cookie sales.
Please double or triple count and make money deposits often so money is not lost.
If you have a person that decides they do not want the cookies and then you have excess, try to sell them on your own, but if you still have left over, please let us know by March 1st and we will help you as a troop try to sell the cookies.
(I had this happen to me already, but it was very easy to sell the extra 20 boxes of cookies)
Thank you so much for all of your hard work selling and delivering these cookies! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dance reminders

This coming Sat. is the Father/daughter dance at 6pm.
Please remember to bring 3 cans of food per person to give at the door.
I will be taking photos from 5:15pm-5:30pm outside my house and then the "surprise" will arrive at 5:35pm. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Thank you!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cookie Pick Up

The Cookie pick up was a success! Alyssa has your cookies...please contact her ASAP to get your cookies on 2/15 if you have not already set a time.

Thank you!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Here is the link to register for camp. They have many options, so take a look and let me know if you have any questions!
The troop will not be able to pay for any camp adventures this year, but as our account grows from cookie sales, it may be an option when they are Brownies. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Important Updates!

1. A pink petal came home today for Making the World a Better Place. :)

2. If you did not get your tickets for the dance from me today, I will hold them until we meet on Feb. 19th at 5:15pm outside my house before the dance. If you want them before that, please call me and we can meet up. (602) 751-6812 Thank you!

3.The World Thinking Day Scheduled for Feb. 22nd does not look like it will work out for our troop. We only had one person that wanted to attend and help, so I think that next year would be a better time for us to participate. I will still cover the various countries and how they are the same and different from our scouts in a meeting talk.

4. March 9th at 6pm we are planning a pizza night at Peter Piper Pizza. The $4.49 for each Daisy will be covered, but parents and siblings will not. Please RSVP to the email sent to you so we can let Amanda from the other first grade troop know how many to plan for. Hope to see you there!

5. Please let me know if you have any questions about cookie pick up on Feb. 15th. Alyssa sent an email giving pick up times and details on collecting money.
Just a reminder...please no checks that are not from you personally. Turn in money often, so it does not get lost. Finally, keep the cookies in a safe place before delivering them. I know I have one dog that would love to eat some cases of cookies! :)
Thank you all for your help to make our troop the best!
Go troop 1460!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dance Tickets

I have the dance tickets for everyone who purchased them. I will give them out at the next meeting if you will be there to pick up your Daisy. Otherwise, we need to meet for me to hand off the tickets since they could get lost in a backpack :)

Should be a great time!

Thank you!

Cookie Concession boxes

Wed. (Feb. 9th) we will be making the cookie concession boxes to sell cookies on Feb. 19th outside of Old Navy. If your girl will not be selling on that day, they can still make a box or team up with another girl to help them make theirs.
I have a box for ...
Claire, Karlie, Alexis, Jadyn, Temi, Madison M. and Skye so far. We have 3 extras and will need 8 box lids more to make sure each girl has one. Please send your girl with a box on Wed. or let me know if you need one of the 3 extras. If we do not have 18 boxes, we will have a few girls pair up, so it will help to know if your Daisy will not need the box to sell cookies on the 19th.
Thank you to the parents who sent extra boxes!
Also, the cookies will be here on Feb. 13th. Alyssa will be home on Feb. 15th to give out cookie orders. Please contact her to set up a time to get your boxes of cookies. You can email her at
Thank you again for all the work that went into the cookies pre-sales!
Shannon :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This made me laugh....

To pick up our troop order of cookies, we need one of the following...
5 Compact Autos
4 Standard Autos
2 Station Wagons
1 Standard Vans (no seats) A van with no seats...haha!
0 Moving Vans (Moving van!?)Well, at least we do not need to rent that!
Pickup Location: 18242 N 51st Ave, Glendale 85308
Pickup Date: Sunday, February 13
Pickup Time: 8:30am
UPDATE: We have enough vehicles to pick up the cookies..thank you!
Alyssa will have your orders ready to pick up on Tuesday, Feb. 15th.
Please contact her to get your orders ASAP so they are not over taking her house :)
Thank you!