Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Important Updates!

1. A pink petal came home today for Making the World a Better Place. :)

2. If you did not get your tickets for the dance from me today, I will hold them until we meet on Feb. 19th at 5:15pm outside my house before the dance. If you want them before that, please call me and we can meet up. (602) 751-6812 Thank you!

3.The World Thinking Day Scheduled for Feb. 22nd does not look like it will work out for our troop. We only had one person that wanted to attend and help, so I think that next year would be a better time for us to participate. I will still cover the various countries and how they are the same and different from our scouts in a meeting talk.

4. March 9th at 6pm we are planning a pizza night at Peter Piper Pizza. The $4.49 for each Daisy will be covered, but parents and siblings will not. Please RSVP to the email sent to you so we can let Amanda from the other first grade troop know how many to plan for. Hope to see you there!

5. Please let me know if you have any questions about cookie pick up on Feb. 15th. Alyssa sent an email giving pick up times and details on collecting money.
Just a reminder...please no checks that are not from you personally. Turn in money often, so it does not get lost. Finally, keep the cookies in a safe place before delivering them. I know I have one dog that would love to eat some cases of cookies! :)
Thank you all for your help to make our troop the best!
Go troop 1460!

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